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Jugheads POV
"Just do something and get rid of him!" I shouted.

Veronica said "I'm trying! I'm stressing about senior year and you expect me to do this shit!"

I sighed and said "I'm sorry I just..."

I frowned as she said "look I get it...but calm down...Betty loves you."

I frowned and said "I just...what if he pulls some shit!"

She said "hey! It's gonna be okay, what we have to do is destroy the other side, him being the anchor we can destroy him too because he's just a ghost that we can see and touch but he's not alive still."

I nodded and she said "alright you go check up on Betty and Archie."

I nodded and left. When I got there I saw Betty sitting as she was drinking.

I said "Betts?"

She saw me and said "hey..."

She walked over and kissed me.

I smiled asking "you okay?"

She nodded saying "just freaking out a bit..."

I frowned and she said "and I've been scared about what you're thinking..."

I smiled gently saying "I trust you so much Betty...I promise that I'm not upset, it's peculiar but I love you and trust you."

She smiled and kissed me. I kissed her back and she sped us down on the couch. I laughed and held her as she held my neck and kissed my neck. I moaned and she took her shirt off. I smiled as she ripped my shirt open and ran us to her room.

I laughed holding her as suddenly I heard "I can hear you guys..."

Betty groaned and I said "vampire hearing?"

She nodded and we groaned and she said "I don't care..."

She kissed me and I smirked as she laughed. Later that day I went down and saw him as I gave him a blood bag. I gave it to him and he sat on the floor.

He told me "you have no idea how painful it is to watch you with my Elizabeth."

I said "I know how you treated her."

He got up and held the cell.

"You treated her as if she were an object a human blood bag!"

He shouted "I loved and protected her!"

I shouted "at least we talked out our problems! You look at her and all you saw was a way to feed and not get caught, you may love her, but you also used her."

He glared at me and said "you have her, I don't. Be lucky she's not in love with me anymore because then I would take her so quickly."

I punched him and ran upstairs.

I saw Betty as she crossed her arms "why provoke him Juggie..."

I sighed and she grabbed my hands "I don't like a jealous Jughead because I only want you."

She kissed me and I smiled as we heard "god you two are pathetic."

Betty ran downstairs and I ran after her as I saw her punching him and I grabbed her and locked the door.

He groaned "god that hurts..."

He rubbed his jaw and I sighed as I said "look, why are you jealous?"

He scoffed saying "I have to see the girl I loved most be with someone that's exactly like me!"

I sighed and he said "I rather die then see you two happy..."

I sighed and said "Betty go upstairs..."

She ran off and I said "dude...look I don't know what you're feeling but if I were in your shoes I'd understand..."

He looked away and sat down "for the first 100 hundred years of my life I was on the run. I was scared, I belonged to a group of people because I had no family. But then I met Elizabeth...I didn't understand what love was but I felt it with her, was my definition of love wrong? Yes. But I would save her a million times if I could...that's why I tried to take her away from everything, her father, protect her mother, her brother...I died protecting her and she died protecting me...I didn't want this life for her...I wanted to be human and I heard rumors of a cure. I was gonna go with her to find it...but of course...I died. And everyday I had to watch her fall in love with you, and now I'm here and it hurts...I was wrong. I know I was selfish, idiotic, I had no idea what love was..."

I then said "you had a child...that's how I was born."

He sighed and said "I was 16...my father made me get a girl pregnant to carry the family legacy...but the girl...she died while giving birth. I wasn't allowed to see the child..."

He smiled gently saying "i turned a few weeks later...I saw them growing up from a distance... they were happy. When I met Elizabeth she was happy...but Archie told me what her father had planned...I couldn't let him do that. She should decide what she got to do, yes I gave her my blood to protect her...I thought we'd make it..."

He frowned and I said "I'm sorry..."

He said "you have her, don't be sorry for me...I have not met another girl like her...she's who you're supposed to be with. Just like how was supposed to be with her."

I gulped and said "I'm sorry..."

He shook his head saying "I rather die then see you two happier...leave me alone..."

I then said "but we're family."

He laughed and said "I haven't had a family in 500 some years....you are just someone that I have a connection with. You are no family..."

I sighed and he shouted "leave!"

I frowned and walked back upstairs and saw Betty crying and I walked over and held her, she held me tightly and sobbed into my arm and I rubbed her back.

She said "I'm sorry..."

I shook my head "it's okay Betts...it's okay."

She continued crying as I tried soothing her.

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