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Jugheads POV
I was at home tossing and turning in my bed, thinking what did I do wrong? How did I not see this coming? I finally got some sleep somehow and when I woke up I felt gross, groggy. I didn't know how to react. I sighed as I began getting ready and leaving to her house. When I arrived I knocked on her door and I saw Archie.

"Leave, she doesn't want to see you."

I then said "that's not your decision to make."

He smiled and said "you know being what we are is hard enough as it is, leave us alone."

He shut the door and I rung the doorbell again and knocked and he opened it.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." I told him,

He sighed as we both heard "leave it Archie..."

We looked behind him seeing Betty.

She said "come in..."

I nodded and he walked away and she was drinking heavy alcohol.

I said "you okay?"

She smiled saying "well, my boyfriend kinda broke up with me, Penny for your thoughts?"

I sighed as I said "tell me how...when? Why?"

She sighed and I said "what's the reality of this?"

She looked away and then at me saying "there's a lot of fiction and fact to vampires, like we can eat garlic, I just don't like it."

I asked "the sunlight?"

She rose her hand with her ring moving it saying "we take this off...well it won't be pretty."

I sighed and said "churches?"

She shrugged "we can attend them."

I asked "mirrors."

She smiled saying "I don't look a day over 100."

I then said "blood..."

She sighed and said "that's a touchy subject..."

I asked "why?"

She told me "Archie drinks human blood, I drink animal blood, I'm weaker then a normal vampire. I used to drink human blood but stopped...when I met you."

I gulped and she looked down saying "but with that...comes consequences..."

I sighed and she said "occasionally I won't heal, so that's...a big problem."

I then said "what then..."

She then said "it's just Archie and I...and another that we at least know of..."

I said "theirs more?"

She turned to me saying "there was a time in history... vampires crawled every single part of Riverdale Jughead."

I gulped and she said "it didn't end well for them. So it's important for you to not tell anyone."

I frowned saying "I don't know if I could do that..."

She said "you get to ask me all the questions you want, as long as you keep it censored."

I sighed as she said "we have a deal?"

I nodded and she said "alright...come on."

I asked "where are we going?"

She then said "somewhere Archie won't hear us!"

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