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Archies POV
My mom got Betty and I together as she said "okay, I checked both of these places and nothing but..."

She held a map and said "I discovered and was able to ask some people around what these things mean."

She opened the map saying "these are symbols...but the thing is...it leads to someone...who kills vampires."

We gulped and she said "these markings are old and consist of a vampire hunter, we need to be cautious because if anything happens well...we can die."

We nodded and she said "however it's unlikely they are alive considering that they don't come around for 100 years. And the last one was seen 50 years ago so...vampires have been telling me that it's being guarded by god knows what."

We nodded and she said "we go today to get this cure."

I said "it can't be this easy..."

I frowned and Betty said "let's go...I need to get Jughead to get him back to normal."

We nodded and left. We got to a town called Greendale.

I said "mom you sure it's here?"

She said "it is don't worry."

I nodded and we continued walking and ended up in the woods.

Archie said "no signal...great..."

I gulped and said "mom are you sure it's here? I don't sense anything."

She nodded "it's the last spot, we don't have to sense anything."

All of a sudden Archie shouted "watch out!"

He grabbed something and I gasped as we saw dozens of stakes tied to a wooden pole.

"Oh my god..." I said startled.

He pushed it back and I looked at my mom and him.

"We need to hurry, people know about us..."

I said "why is the way to get the cure full of traps..."

He sighed and we continued.

We arrived at a cave and we walked inside "I'm nervous..."

Archie said "I don't smell anything I think it's clear."

I nodded and but suddenly I tripped and screamed as I fell down a hole.

I winced as my mom shouted "Elizabeth!"

I looked up saying "it's fine...I'm fine..."

I winced standing up as they both got down and she rubbed my back.

"I'm okay..."

She nodded and we continued walking. But as we walked closer I saw a tomb and panicked.

"Oh my god..." I muttered.

Archie grabbed me and I said "what the hell..."

He walked over and he said "what's going on? Who is this?"

Our mother said "I don't know..."

I gulped and said "what does he even need?"

Archie then said "blood, they need blood."

I said "we don't have any Archie!"

He said "I'm gonna get someone..."

Be ran off and my mom and I ripped the chains off of them.

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