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Bettys POV
Jughead and I have been talking for a few days before school started, he showed me around Riverdale, some places I didn't even know of and I've lived for years! Today was the first day of school, Archie gave me a bottle of blood.

He said "make sure no one drinks it."

I nodded and said "see you later!"

And I left.

When I got to school I went to the office and grabbed my papers as suddenly I saw Jughead and smiled.

He smiled and I asked "may I have a student show me around?"

She nodded and Jughead said "I volunteer."

She sighed and nodded and we left.

"So here we have the dumb trophy case where all of our best leaders of the school have won shit." He spoke annoyed.

I laughed and said "you don't like jocks huh?"

He nodded saying "yup, they aren't the nicest to me."

I frowned and he suddenly got pushed by a whole bunch of them. I grabbed him and stepped back and he sighed.

He said "I'm invisible at this school..."

I gulped and he said "I was kinda surprised when you noticed me...no one ever does..."

I smiled gently but frowned as he said "I'm sorry if I'm making you sad."

I laughed shaking my head.

"No I just...I enjoy the way you speak about Riverdale. It's as if we're back in 1864 all over again." I told him.

He laughed and I did too as he said "and here's where I work, the Blue and Gold."

I questioned "the newspaper?"

He nodded and I asked "may I join?"

He smiled and I said "I don't have much writing experience but I enjoy reading alot..."

He nodded saying "you can proof read."

I smiled and he smiled back as he said "come on."

I nodded and we continued. When it was lunch I obviously had my own things and sat alone but as I did I saw Jughead alone and I sighed but as I was getting up and walked over someone tripped me and I groaned and she laughed at me. I got up and grabbed my bottle and picked up my bag and went over.

I sat with him and said "thought you could use a friend."

He smiled and I smiled back as he had a huge sandwich.

I said "you eat a lot."

He nodded saying "I never get full."

I laughed out "sure."

He smirked telling me "I've eaten 10 burgers in one sitting."

I laughed and he did too as we ate. As I drank from my bottle he asked.

"May I?" I panicked wiping my mouth.

I made up the excuse of "uhh...sorry this is special, I have...I have some issues wrong with my stomach and so my brother made a special drink for me."

He nodded and I said "I'm sorry..."

He shook his head saying "it's fine."

He grabbed his soda and drank some.

I said "so...what do you enjoy writing about?"

He shrugged saying "I love writing about the town, the school. Drama at school. It makes me look at the smaller things in life."

I laughed and he smiled and I said "can I ask you something?"

He nodded and I said "have you...ever been in love?"

He smiled gently saying "love...such a strong word..."

He smiled gently saying "no...because I don't think...I know what love feels like...but I also don't think that love is immediate, you must grow the love."

I nodded as I said "and what's your opinions on...sex?"

He laughed at me saying "never had it."

I nodded and said "so...if you could imagine your life in the future what would you do?"

He laughed and said "I remember once long ago I told myself I wanted to see the world, I still think it should happen but, I want to become an author when I'm older, think about it, writing stories that you can manifest all on your own."

He smiled and I said "do you know much about your ancestors?"

He shook his head saying "my dad prefers not to talk about it, but he did say a lot of them were killed and targeted by, get this...vampires."

He laughed and I said "has he said anything else?"

He shrugged saying "there was a rumor that went around that the ancestor for our line in particular was a vampire but it was debunked because his grave was found."

I gulped and he smiled asking "why?"

I shrugged saying "curiosity always got the best of me."

He laughed and he said "I feel like I've told you my whole life what about you?"

I sighed and said "well my parents passed away tragically...my brother and I couldn't stay at the home cause we didn't have enough money so we moved back here into a estate that belonged to our ancestors."

He then said "so your ancestors also lived during the time of mine?" 

I nodded saying "yeah maybe."

He nodded and said "so you and your brother? How's that like?"

I shrugged "it feels normal, I've always seen my brother as the one I can go to for help...I guess it's just weird being here knowing my parents passed away and this is where they grew up..."

He smiled saying "that's nice. Don't you have any more family?"

I shook my head saying "not that I know of..."

He sighed and said "I'm sorry, what you're going through must be hard."

I then said "we've been living long enough to understand ourselves. But thank you."

He smiled and I frowned knowing the true reality of what happened.

"So do you wanna do anything fun tonight?" He asked.

Suddenly a girl with fire red hair said "excuse the hobo, I'm Cheryl Blossom, HBIC of the River Vixens I'm having a party tonight, here's your invitation, come along."

She gave a fake smile and walked off.

Jughead said "nope, Cheryl's parties are always a dangerous zone."

I sighed and said "alright...but what else will I do?"

He smirked saying "to cheer you up let's have a movie night. We will watch some of the best movies of all time."

I laughed saying "sounds like fun."

He smiled grabbing the invitation and ripping it up. I laughed and he did too.

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