lunch 2

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     Me and him where still talking about everything and just laughing about nothing. After 30 minutes we got are food. I started to eat mine and he ate his. It was a good time just sitting and laughing. " I was thinking of getting and after school job do y know any good place" " yeah I do they are hiring for about 15 dollars an hour and they are flexible"

     " That is good after we finish here and you are taking me home can you tell me where it is" " yeah I have friends there and as long as you don't make I can't take you there after this" " that would be great please do" we just sit and finish up are food when we are done I go to take out my wallet. He said " I all ready gave them my card to pay" I look at him " this is the second time you find let me pay for my stuff" " one day you will stop trying" I shake my head and stand up so we can leave.

    As we are walking out we just keep talking about everything and when we get in the car I turn the radio on. I sing and dance with the music and I'm having a good time. I check my phone and text my mom I won't be home till about 7. It was all ready 5 after a while we got to the place. It was the coffee place I was at this morning " they are  really popular the pay is great and I came here every day" I look at him " do you think he will give me the job" " I know he will" we walk in and he talks to his friend about me as go get a ice coffee.

     I go and sit down to wait for him to be done. After 20 minutes he walks out from the back holding a paper. He walks to me and hand's it to me " you already have the job you just need to fill this out" I nob and start to fill it out. After I finish he takes it to the back a d I wait. He comes back out and walks to me. " He said he will call you and tell you when you start" I stand up and hug him  " thank you for helping me " " your welcome now let's go " I nod and grab my coffee because it was to go.

   We got in his car and he started to drive me home. I was smiling the hole time there. After about 10 minutes we where out side my phone. " Thank you again for everything ". " Your welcome and I will see you on Saturday for us to go boating I all ready told my friend that you can't work one Saturdays  ". " Thank you but did you say all Saturdays on just this one". " I said all of them that way me and you have one day we can spend together no matter what" " ok we'll see you on Saturday and by" " by see you Saturday" I walk in the house and go up to my too change and lay down.

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