getting ready to teasing him

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        When I wake up in the morning I look around the room. He was all ready out of bed and changing. I look through my clothes and find something. I find an outfit the is sexy but still safe for school. By the time I found the outfit he was all ready out of the bathroom. I walk in the bathroom and start with getting undressed. When I'm all the way undressed I take pictures of my naked body. I take about 10 pictures of me. After I put on my bra and panties and take more pictures of myself.

       I just finished taking the picture of me and I can't wait to see him. I'm dressed for school and ready to leave. ( clothes up top ) I walk out of the bathroom and he is waiting for me in the bedroom. He looks at me up and down. When he is looking at me he looks at my chest a lot. So I know that he is thinking about my body and now I new he would have a hard time at work when he gets my pictures. " Your school doesn't have a dress code do they. " " No they don't have one why. "

      " No reason just asking for fun let's go eat before we are running late and I can't stop for coffee with you. " We walked down stairs and had are. Breakfast. When we are done I put dishes in the sink and say that I'll wash them when I get here after school. We walked out to his car and get in. He started to drive to the coffee shop. " I won't be the one picking you up today the same person as yesterday will be. " I started thinking about how everyone was watching me get in the car that picked me up yesterday.

        He kept driving " Can you please have the park at my house or down the street from the school. " He looks over at me for a minute. " Why don't you want them to pick you up at the school. " When he said that it sounded like he was asking was I going to brake the rules. " Because yesterday day it was weird getting in the car. Most people where looking at me and whispering about me. It makes it worse because most of them where born here and all know each other and I don't want people I don't know talking about me. "

     " Well that won't happen if you tell them you are seeing me. " We pull up too the coffee shop get out and go inside to get coffee. " I told you I'll tell my friends. " We wait a. Couple of minutes and then get are coffee and walk back to the car. When we get in hw started driving again. " I'm not only talking about your friends I mean everyone in your school. " I think about it and shake my head. As we are pulling up to the school. " I'll think about but they will find out some time." I got out of the car after kissing his cheek and walk inside.

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