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I woke up before Kim and was working on making her breakfast in bed. I suddenly  hear her screaming. I turn off the stove and run into the bedroom.

Kim what's wrong? I just checked my savings account balance.  He withdrew all of the money. Was it a joint account? Yes. All of the money was basically mine. Hold on let me make a phone call. Please write down your social security,  driver's license and his too.

Carmen I need a huge favor and no one can know. Okay what is it Maura? My therapist had a joint account with her soon to be ex husband and he closed out their joint savings account.  Majority of the money was hers. I need to Kim's information and his.Maura I know someone who can hack into his account but its going to be costly.  Why don't you want Jane or Avery to help you.  Carmen you know you are one of my lawyers  Yes. I am cheating on Jane with Kim. Oh boy! Give me an hour. I will set her up with another account in the Cayman Islands.  Thank you. Maura be careful  I will.

I hung up my cell.

Kim shhhh,you heard what I told Carmen Lais?Yes .She is going to contact one of her clients and get your money back. She asked me to give her an hour. Your new account will be in the Cayman Islands. You will be the only one to have access to it. Does he have access to your other accounts?No. I am going to suggest you use her for any areas you want kept secret.She is just as good as baby girl and Jane are.Thank you.I  am surprised your attorney didn't have you move your money to an account he couldn't get his hands on. Maura I used Avery Harris. Call her and tell her you are transferring your files to Carmen Thank you. My son and husband left numerous messages.  Forward them to this email account.  I will text her to let her know you are switching lawyers and you are sending her recordings. Thank you.  Use a VPN when you send them so he nor his lawyer cannot track it.


Kim Carmen needs to know how much was his money? 25,000 only.

Carmen 25,000 was his only. Okay hold on.

Maura she has me waiting. Okay.  I contacted Avery and she is forwarding my files to Carmen but still needs to be paid. Tell her to bill you. You will pay her.  If you need help,  I will help you. Maura thank you .You did enough.

Maura its done . I will hold onto the information when she gets back. Thank you. I will listen to the recordings and contact her. Have her get a new cell number with a different area code so I can contact her.  Please tell her not to give it to anyone yet and keep the other number still active but not to respond to him, her son or anyone else he knows. Will do.
Thanks. No problem.

I ended my texts.

Kim we need to go get you a new cell with a different number so Carmen can contact you.  Also do not give it out to no one which includes your son.Your money is set up and she will give you the bank account name and number when she meets you in person  . Thank you Maura. You are welcome.  Let me finish cooking your crepes and toast with coffee before we leave to get you a new phone. I will pay for it. Maura I will pay you back. No need.Just follow what she tells you to do. I will. I was not expecting him to do that. He just left me a message threatening me. Save it and forward it to Carmen. I did via  the email address you gave me.Maura thank you   No need to thank me.

We ate our food and Kim was still upset.  We took a shower and headed off to Verizon to get her a new cell and number. She contacted Carmen right away.

Maura let's go for a run on the beach. I need to get my frustrations out in a healthy way. Okay.

We got dressed into running shoes and attire and took a bottle of water with us.  We stretched and started our run.
We finished after running a total of 8 miles.  This was easy for me but Kim was cramping up when we returned.

Kim where does it hurt?My calves.  Lay on the bed and I will work on those areas and more.

Ummm Maura that isn't my calve. Oh fuck me shit that feels good. 
I continued to suck on her on massage calves after kissing her.
Maura thank you for everything.  Kim of I were you. I  WOULD HAVE AN ANSWERING SERVICE TAKE YOUR MESSAGES ON YOUR BUSINES LINE . THIS WAY IF HE Wants to contact you, it would be violating the restraining order.  Okay. Let me contact her now so she knows all calls will be going to her.

Kim contacted the lady who she deals with and informed her why and for now on all calls would go through her and back through her when she contacted them back. It costed her more but was worth it.

Maura we have one more week here and than back to Sacramento.  Do you have a place set up to stay at? No not yet. I will lend you one of the places we use for everlasting business    in Sacramento.  You can stay there as long as you need to. It has its own armed security and alarm system.  Maura its already too much. Are you able to do phone therapy or zoom or any other type of counseling until your husband stops threatening you? I can but that usually costs more..I suggest you do that and cut the person a deal for now. I stiil have to tell Janr I fired you as our therapist..also tell Katelyn you will be staying at one of the rentals until further notice so she doesn't have someone else stay there. Hold on and don't say anything.

I call Katelyn.

Aye sis..Maura you alright it's late? Yes. I am allowing my ex therapist to stay at one of our properties until further notice.  N9 one and it includes Jane no one is to know she is staying there. Maura what are you doing? What do you mean? You've never done anything like this and asked me to keep it from your wife.  She is divorcing her husband. And.  I am sleeping with her. Maura. Katelyn. No problem. Please be careful.ALWAYS LOVE YOU. LOVE YOU TOO.

I got off my cell.

Maura is this going to cause a problem? No but fucking you will be if she finds out. I can lose my license. We will make sure age doesn't know. This isn't the first time I cheated on her.  I know I am risking my future with her.  She will divorce me if she finds out I am cheating on her.  She cannot touch my monies or property nor I hers.  She can mess up your career. When I am with you,  we will have to be discreet and shower.Maura we agreed now and next week only. I WANT TO GET BACK WITH MY EX WIFE AND HER NOT TO KNOW ABOUT US OR FOR HER TO THINK SHE IS A REBOUND. She may not take you back. I know.  If she doesn't. I would still like to see you. Maura if that time occurs. We can decide then. 

We hugged and I spooned her.

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