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June you ready?Almost. Come on sis the reservation won't save it much longer. I got us a town car so if we drink too much . I am ready. Wow, sis the wait was worth it. Ouch! Amelia my sister I'd beautiful what can I say. Jaime she is your sister. Babe you look good too as well as Avery. I maybe ber brother but still I have eyes.  Jaime stop while you are ahead  She's  going to make you sleep elsewhere..Thank goodness the house has more rooms.

We get into the town car and his wife is not pleased with him and moves away from him when he sits by her in the limo . June and I are quiet and kiss. We finally arrived at the restaurant that is upper restaurant that serves Latin food and has a club attached to it. The place is packed and we made our time for dinner.  We order and eat and have a few cocktails.
Amelia wants to dance and asks Avery.  Avery gets up and they go to the dance floor.

June sorry. She is a very jealous person at times .Yes, we noticed that. Wow Avery can dance. Henry's mother taught her and she is a quick learner in many areas.  Sis you referring to sex? NO but in sex too. I
Jaime is getting a little jealous when he sees how Amelia is staring at Avery. My wife is clueless and continues dancing with our new sister in law.

Julian she doesn't always get it when men and women hit on her? Is your wife bisexual by any chance? Yes. Let me get my wife and you tend to yours.

We both get up and go to our wives. I grab my wife's hand and have her dance with me.

Babe she is drunk and is bisexual and coming onto you. JUNE I WAS DANCING AND JUST HAVING FUN.  I KNOW.  Avery I didn't know she was bisexual.  We don't  need the problems. Let's tell your  brother we are going to go back to their place and pack our things and sleep elsewhere.  I don't want Jaime thinking I am into his wife. I know.  We can meet him tomorrow and the rest of the week of the properties he wants us to look at and purchase.

We finished dancing and we could see his wife not caring about what he is saying.  She has drank too much. The song ends and I go up to him with wife holding her hand and telling him we are going back to their house to pack and getting a hotel.  He can call me later on to meet me. He thanks us both for not staying with him and apologizing for his wife's behavior.  Avery tells Amelia that she isn't into her and was only dancing to have a good time and that was it.  She is curious and slaps my wife.  Avery looks at her and is mad and she walks away. 

Jaime she normally would of done something, but she doesn't want to cause problems problems you.  Thank you. I will have the town car take you back first.  Thanks.
We arrive at my brother's place and pack our things.  I text my brother and tell him locked the door and placed the house key where he told me to put it.

June we came to have fun and she does this to me. She is lucky I didn't kick her ass for slapping on me. Her coming into me is one thing and I  was clueless. Avery you had a little too much to drink and you know your sense are off when that happens.
Let's just drive to the hotel in town and we will stay there the rest of the week. Okay.

My brother texts me what time to meet him and the address.  He said he finally got her home and in bed in the guest room and good night.  Please tell Avery thank her for not pressing charges nor whooping her ass. I will. Night.  We love you brother.  Same here.

We checked into the hotel and take a nice long bath.  Avery is still hot but finally sobering up and is even more madder. I finally get my wife to calm down and we nod off to sleep.

Avery wakes up screaming and sweating.

Sweetie what is wrong? I was having a nightmare again when my Nani was killed by Parker.  Oh sweetie.  It's not your fault. I know that.  It looks like I will be having some therapy appointments again with Kim. Let me call her for you.

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