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Maura joined me and cuddled up. We watched a movie and fell asleep. The following morning we woke up with the TV still on and the door  bell ringing which started Kim.
I went to get it while she ran upstairs to get dressed from just having the towel wrapped around her.

Did we wake you auntie? Yes we fell asleep watching a movie

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Did we wake you auntie? Yes we fell asleep watching a movie. Come in. Hi Julian. Hello Dr. Isles.  Please call me Maura I  am not at work.  Oh. Okay. Plus your not a little boy anymore. Come in. We are going to go fishing? I need to change and I hope your mom remembers to wear grumby clothes. You two go to the guest bedroom decide which one. Okay Auntie Julian we better change too. Okay.

We went to this room

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We went to this room.
Olivia Isabella she has a nice cabin. Both of my aunts do . I am not sure if I should keep referring Jane as my aunt. I will ask my auntie Maura.

Kim we are going fishing. Oops  let me change again. The kids are changing too and I told Julian to call me MAURA. He's not  kid anymore.  I know he is all grown up and a the conductor for the Sacramento symphony.  Yeah I thought he was going to major in medicine like Olivia bit he only took biology.  Are you disappointed? NO NOT AT ALL. CHANGED. KIM THAT WAS QUICK.I  DON'T WANT THEM THINKING WE ARE FOOLING AROUND  Kim is this going to be hard on you if I show you affection in front of them. A little. Okay  I will behave. Thank you.

We go downstairs and wait for the kids.  I am kissing Kim when I heat my niece clear her throat.

Sorry. Maura its okay. I am okay with this as long as you don't hurt my mother.  I agree with Julian. Kim please don't hurt my aunt. I cannot promise that but it won't be intentional.  Let's go in my vehicle and we will rent a boat  I opened the garage. My niece says, you bought a new vehicle?Not new but yes. I bought it yesterday. Auntie we can take mine since it's in the driveway. I would gas it up. NO need I did it with mom's credit card when we got here. Auntie I don't know what to call Jane.  What do you mean? Your divorcing her. Oh sweetie you can still call her auntie. Okay thank you.  Just to let you know she and Rebecca are here in tahoe. I apparently bought the suv Rebecca was going to buy from here.  We ran into them at the shooting range.  I didn't handle it well. With them both or just with Ms. JOHNSON. Rebecca.  Auntie it's still new to you. I hope you will eventually get along. I would like her to be at our wedding. WEDDING.  SURPRISE MOM. WE GOT ENGAGED LAST NIGHT.  I ALREADY TOLD DAD ,BUT  WE WANTED TO TELL YOU IN-PERSON.  OH MY BABY IS GETTING. MARRIED. KIM NOT UNTIL I FINISH WITH MED SCHOOL.  SO AUNTIE THIS GIVES YOU TIME TO WORK ON FERGIVING MS.JOHNSON. MOM I TOLD DAD THAT  I DIDN'T WANT HIM THERE.
We hugged them both.

Julian why don't you want your father there.. Mom I knew about you two and him. I was angry at him when I  found out  This is why I moved in with Olivia and her mother. I see.  I couldn't break your heart.Julian I am sorry to felt the need to hide that from..me.  I know, but I was the reason you got a divorce and went back to him.Now your ex wife won't take you back. I would like to invite her. I  have no problem with that. Thanks Mom. Sweetie if you ever need to talk  you know I am always here for you.

Oh oh auntie be nice.  I guess it's better they find out now.I  guess so.
We get out after picking up a boat and I am backing the boat as my aunt is getting her boat out-of the water. 

Auntie.  I will be have.
We are waiting and Jane says hello.
MAURA I called Esmi I am flying out there tonight alone.  She sounds bad. Yes we all are leaving next week  BABY girl, my aunts and June are coming with me.  We are worried about her.  I am too. Maura are you seeing Kim? Yes. .I am glad.  Rebecca I want to apologize for my behavior last night.  It's okay. Us being together took you as surprise.  I totally get it. Auntie Jane we are engaged as of last night. Oh sweetie I am so happy for you. I told my auntie she has enough time to resolve her feelings with Ms. Johnson.  We won't be getting married until I graduate from medical school.  Congrats to you both. Maura if your mother gets worse I will call you. Thank you.  I know nani is getting up age. Julian maybe we should get married sooner. How much sooner? Next year so nani can be there.  Mom do you mind? Sweetie I don't mind at all.  Olivia ISABELLA MARTIN THAN YES. 

I kissed my aunt and said goodbye to them both.

Auntie if auntie Jane and the others are leaving tonight. I think we should not fish and drive back to Sacramento.  We can donate whatever food you bought and make sandwiches and stuff for the flight. Kim. Its up to you Maura.  I will need to pack and get my passport.  Auntie  I will call my mother to let her know we will be leaving this afternoon. Let her know at one. I will have the crew there and won't be flying this time. I am gonna call Jane to let her know they can come with us if they want to if it won't be uncomfortable for you Kim.  I will be okay. We can sleep on the way there. Okay.

Olivia pulled the boat out of the water.
Mom yes sweetie.  Auntie Jane is leaving tonight to Italy with aunties and my cousin June and Avery. She is going to see if they want to come. We will make sandwiches and have beverages and auntie will donate the rest to the shelter up here. Please be at ghd hangar at 1 Is nani worse? I  don't know but they are worried about her. Okay I will have the town car pick us up at your aunts house by 12. Okay love you..love you too.

Jane after speaking with you. We are going to fly out at one.  You all can come with us. Kim and I will be sleeping.  You sure? I was going to purchase a ticket for Rebecca. Yes she can come too. We will meet you at what time at the hangar? We will be taking off at 1. We will be making sandwiches and other things to bring with us.  We dropped our food to the women's shelter already.  We will be there. Maura thank you.Jane divorce or not you will always be my best friend and family. Same here . See you there

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