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Jane Jacob is here willing to pay us triple for our services. No reputable and great attorneys will take his case. Charles get security I don't want any problems when you tell him no. Okay.

Charles has security with him and tells him we are not interested in taking his case and to please leave the premises. He gets mad and I hear a sound scuffle. He is fighting with Charles and they finally get him handcuffed..The receptionist is scared and I call my brother to send a patrol car over to arrest him. Frankie said he would have one dispatched to us immediately.

My good suit too. Jane he just blamed us for not taking his case and it got around so no one else was willing to take his case.

Jacob more charges will be brought against you. You will now have to rely on a public defender and pay him or her now. If you would of been honest with us from the get go, we would of taken your case. The evidence we received from the district attorney office shows us you lied. Rizzoli all I wanted was good defense attorneys. With the new charges, I will never get out.
The officers are here to take you and take the security officer and Charles statements. Don't make it worse.

I leave and I hear a gun shot and the receptionist scream. Another scuffle occurs. I run back with my gun out and shoot Jacob as he is getting ready to shoot the second officer. I yell call 911 and tell them officer down now.
Carmen walks in and ends up making the call. My receptionist is in shock. I pull off the officers belt and away from Jacob's reach and use the belt and his tie as tourniquet on the shoot officer. I see Charles was shot too .

Carmen help me with Charles. . Lisa and Avery arrive and help out. I am taking Charles. Avery and Lisa help me. We will take my vehicle it's parked out front .
Lisa opens the back door and she rushed to the hospital while Avery and I are doing cpr on Charles .

CHARLES DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME. Jane have a pulse now. Lisa slams the breaks on. Avery Harris runs inside to ge help. The ER staff rush to get him. The cop whowas shot shows up fifteen minutes later with all sorts of police officers and my brother with Antonio and Kevin.

Jane you and Avery okay? Yes, it's Charles blood. I need your gun. Give it to detective Raymund. Frankie it happened too quick as soon as I was back in my office. Yes, we already have footage and Officer coopers statement. What I have seen, you are cleared and saved my officers thank you. How bad is Charles? Real bad. Here comes his wife.

Jane what happened. Sorry Mrs. Wright Jane cannot answer your questions at this time. Just know Avery Harris, she and Lisa culpo did all to get him to get medical treatment. Frankie it's okay. He was an ex client that we dropped his case. He was willing to pay us more..Charles came and told me. I asked Charles to go tell him no and have security with him. There were two acruffles. The first thr security guard and Charles got the cuffs on him. The second he someone got the officers gun. I was in my office at this time. I ran when I heard the gun shot. I shot him before he could shoot anyone else. I was doing first aid on thr officer when another attorney helped me and called 911. None of realized Charles was shot. When another attorney arrived with her wife is when we realized he was shot and we rushed him here ourselves. We revived him once. Thank you to all who helped my husband.

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