part 25

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Mia's pov:

Not even five minutes later my phone was blowing up and we all knew what was going on! The messages from confirming Max and i being siblings were comming in.

Max's PR advised me to not check my phone immediately, so i could prepare for all the comments, good or bad.

After a few minutes i just had to check, i couldn't hold it anymore!(I'm a very curious person, i know!)

Luckily most comments were really nice like:

"She is so beautiful"

"Max is lucky to have her"

Ofcourse there were some bad comments. How i was just using Max to get fame and all that sort of stuff. I ofcourse knew that isn't true, but that stuff still gets to me.

Making our family status public shouldn't be wierd, but it really was, it also was pretty mentally exhausting. I really didn't feel like talking to anyone after that, so i just went to my room and didn't come out for a long time.

The race had just ended when i arrived at the track. I didn't want to be seen with any driver right now, because i taught it would give me a chance to sneek in and not be noticed. But i was wrong!

The moment i put my foot out of my rental car, people came running over to me. I was so confused until they all started to screem.
'Omg that's Max's sister!'

'Mia can i get a picture?!'

'Can you give us Max's phone number?!'

Thankfully a securitygard heard the commotion and rescued me. When he took me inside the paddock i tried to go to the Redbull motorhome as fast as i possibly could, only to be stopped by a Haas driver...

'Hey Mia can i talk to you real quick? It's really important!'

'Sorry Mick i'm really in a rush we could talk later? Just ask Max or Danny for my phone number!' And with that i ran off.

While running to Max's room i couldn't stop thinking about what Mick wanted to ask. It could be about lots of things, but i had a feeling it would have to do with me and Max...

When i ran into Max's room he thankfully was already there, so i didn't have to go looking for him. His PR wanted to meet me and talk thinks trough with me so i could be prepared for what this meant for the rest of my life.

I knew it wasn't all going to be easy and i was born into this after all, but what my life had in store for me, i didn't have a clue.

Mia Verstappen Where stories live. Discover now