#14 | Cats

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I don't sleep, I don't eat, I almost don't do anything. I also don't bath, I won't even get out of my room. As I was staring blankly at the ceiling, Continous noise covered my room. It's max, The cat that he gave me.

"What?!" I opened the door angrily causing it to slam on the wall creating a noise. "What do you want?" I asked him, He's staring at me and walked back and took his food bowl to me. I looked at the clock, Maybe he's hungry.

I walked towards the cabinet where all of his stuff is stored, I grabbed his bowl and gave him food and water. "I should give you up for adoption." I squatted near him and stared at him eating, Why would I keep a pet which reminds me of him everyday. I can't even look at you, Every corner of this room reminds me of him because of you. Your back bone is also visible because I couldn't feed you at the right time.

A mess of empty beer cans and cup noodles, empty wrappers of chips and dirt everywhere. I stood and kicked every garbage that is in my way. I went inside my room and slammed the door shut, Threw myself in the bed and stared blankly again at the ceiling. I'm so drained I don't know what to do, Should I cry? Should I even laugh that he cheated off of me with my friend? Should I sleep so that my mind would be at peace?

My phone started ringing, I glared at it until it stopped, I took it and looked at the caller ID. Its mom.

Mom 12 missed calls
09******* 7 missed calls
Paula 4 missed calls

I called my mom back, She's the only one that matters because she might overthink about what is happening to me for the past two weeks, A few seconds it rang until someone picked it up "Mami.." I called out for her, Trying to control my sobs, I covered my mouth and waited to hear her loving voice.

"Lucrecia what happened to you? You're not answering my calls, A miracle you called me! I'm coming tomorrow I'm gonna cook for your favorite." Her loud voice that instantly made me sleepy, I want to go home. Where I wouldn't see any of his things that would remind me. This home we shared together that I used to love to see but now I hate every inch of this apartment.

"I'm coming home next week, Just.. Just wait I'll pack some things.." I rolled over and laid my phone in my ear and closed my eyes. "No, I'm coming over. It will take you 3 hours to come here; I'm gonna come tomorrow you better clean your home. How are you? Why haven't you call me for two weeks? Your dad is also worried." Dagdag pa nito, Oh dad. You are worried about me that's a first.

"Lu, Me and your mom are gonna come visit tomorrow. Let's have quesadilla and frijoles, Okay?" I heard dad's voice, The voice that awaken my senses. "Papi?" Holding back my sobs and tears I called out for him. "Yes mi hija?" He replied, I smiled as my tears flowed.

"Okay, Let's have frijoles, tacos too alright." My heart never felt so light before, He said yes and bid our goodbye.

After they hang up the call, I sat at my bed and roamed my eyes on every corner of my room; I just found myself cleaning and throwing some stuff that is useless.

I spent the whole morning cleaning and tidying my room up like it used to be, I opened the door to throw the garbage I collected but Max is standing at my door.

He's looking at me and didn't remove his eyes of me, I dropped the garbage I am holding and hugged him, even petted him. "I missed you Max.. I'm sorry baby.." I apologized, All I can hear is his "Meow.. Meow."

I gave him a lot of treats, Even a catnip. He's busy munching down every treat I gave him while I cleaned the living room. As I finished cleaning and collecting garbage; I sat in the middle of the living room and glared at the mountains of garbage I just collected.

I shouldn't bother because, I lost a boy; I lost a boy because a man will never be stolen.

I took max on a walk, He's on a leash but he has always enjoyed having walks with me. We stopped by outside a 7/11 store to rest. He laid down at my thighs and we both enjoyed the cold refreshing wind.

"Sorry Max I have been irresponsible but I will take care of you more than before, Its not your fault your dad left us."

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