Chapter 1: Winter Rose

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Before we get started, please read the author's note that is before this chapter. There are some important details that if you do not know them, the story will be confusing. So, please take a quick peek at it. Love you guys! 😘

Happy Reading!!! 😘

Another day. Another invisible day. Taehyung can't help but sigh as he gets ready for another day of classes and being bumped into. He dreads another day of people looking past him and running over him as if he doesn't exist. I can't remember the last time someone has smiled at me. Pained tears trickle down Taehyung's cheek as he takes a deep breath and walks out of the door of his tiny, dark apartment.

As he walks down the street, he gets bumped into and knocked over by the rush of the crowd. He walks with his head down and hoodie pulled over his head covering half of his face. His long, wavy black hair covers his dull and hopeless eyes.

"Dude! Wait for me!"

"Hey! How was your weekend?!"

"Bro, I hate this class!"

"Are you hungover from last night?"

"Will you help me with my homework?"

"Are we partying tonight?"

"When are you coming over today?"

Taehyung looks down at the ground and tries to ignore the pain of not having someone ask about his day or weekend. Being a beta, he has a dull scent that catches no wolf's attention. He is practically invisible.

He quickly takes his seat in the back corner of the classroom and pulls out his notebook. He rests his head on the desk and drowns out the sounds of laughter and happiness of the others and closes his eyes. When the room erupts with talking and strong scents of arousal, Taehyung opens his eyes to see the Pack Alpha's son walk into the classroom with countless omegas hanging off of his sides. 

Taehyung quietly admires the young alpha as he laughs after listening to the pretty male omega's joke. He observes the tattoos decorating his arm and hand. When the alpha looks up in his direction, Taehyung doesn't avert his eyes because he knows that the alpha is not looking at him. There is a pretty omega giving off a tantalizing scent sitting right in front of him. He feels his heart speed up because it almost looks like the alpha is looking at him, but he knows better.

Feeling loneliness and longing creeping up, Taehyung closes his eyes and quietly sighs. He takes a deep breath and tries to shove those useless emotions away. He knows that these are feelings that will never be quenched by anyone. 

Taehyung listens as the young alpha and his group sit next to the pretty omega in front of him. His breath catches at the entrancing scent of the alpha. Taehyung feels himself being lulled away into an unknown world by the alpha's scent of smoke and rainy days.

Do others catch the same scent? Does he smell this intoxicating to others? What do I smell like? I know it is subtle, but what do I smell like?

"Ok, class, good morning." The professor sleepily greets the class as he pulls up the powerpoint.

Taehyung quickly snaps out of his thoughts and begins to pay attention to class. He pushes away the alpha's scent and focuses solely on the professor's slurred words.

When the class is over, Taehyung waits for everyone to leave the room so that he won't be trampled in the rush. As he waits, he realizes that the alpha forgot his jacket. Taehyung slowly reaches out to grab it to give to the alpha but quickly retreats. He would be furious if a beta like me touched it. No one likes a muted scent.

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