Chapter 5: Almost

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As they walk to Taehyung's work, Jungkook pouts because he does not want to let Taehyung go. Taehyung won't get off until 4 am. When they reach the building, Jungkook unwillingly lets go of Taehyung's hand and watches him walk into the building.

While Jungkook buys groceries, he can't seem to shake a feeling of unease. He stocks Taehyung's cabinets with food as he mutters and tries to figure out what is bothering him. Suddenly, it hits him. The alpha guard is at the beginning of his rut. He could smell it.

Jungkook drops everything and sprints towards the building with all of his strength. He has heard too many horror stories about betas and rutting alphas. Rose, wait! I'm coming!

When Jungkook bursts into the building, he hears crying and begging. "TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook shouts and runs towards Taehyung's cries.

The sight that meets the young alpha's eyes fills him with rage.

"Jungkook." Taehyung whimpers as tears stream down his bloody face.

"You fucking monster!" Jungkook snarls and turns into his wolf.

Taehyung stares at the beautiful black wolf in shock. Jungkook quickly sprints to Taehyung and stands between Taehyung and the other alpha who is too stunned to move. There is only one family with pure black wolves: the Jeons.

Jungkook lunges and tackles the alpha to the ground and pins him down. An angered growl leaves the young alpha as he bites into the other alpha's shoulder, banishing him from the pack. The other alpha howls in pain as he feels Jungkook's teeth dig into him, and he feels his pack link being severed. He will forever bear the mark of banishment. No other pack will accept him, and he can never return.

The Alpha of the pack feels a wolf being cut from the pack and springs to his feet. He knows that something is happening to his son.

"Leave and never come back. I will rip you to pieces if I ever see you again." Jungkook snarls once he turns into his human form and eyes the mark of banishment on the cowering alpha.

Once the other alpha limps away in terror, Jungkook instantly turns to his injured beta.

"Are you ok?" Jungkook cries and pulls off his hoodie and covers Taehyung.

"I-I tried to avoid him." Taehyung sobs and clings to Jungkook.

"I'm here. You're safe." Jungkook whispers and rocks Taehyung in his arms as tears stream down his face. I was almost too late. I'm so sorry, Tae.

"Jungkook!" The Alpha yells as he runs into the building where his son's scent is strong.

Taehyung panics when he hears the Alpha's voice. The Alpha can't see me in Jungkook's arms like this. Taehyung tries to get out of Jungkook's arms, but Jungkook tightens his embrace and releases a soothing scent.

"It's ok, Rose." Jungkook whispers and holds Taehyung tighter.

"Jungkook, what happened?" The Alpha asks when he runs over to Jungkook.

"A rutting alpha attacked him." Jungkook growls in anger and squeezes Taehyung tighter.

"Son, you're going to hurt him if you hold him any tighter." The Alpha softly tells his angry and scared son.

"I was almost too late." Jungkook cries and looks down at the precious wolf in his arms.

"You weren't too late." The Alpha tells his broken son after making sure that the beta's scent is untouched.

"He hurt him." Jungkook cries as he looks at Taehyung's bleeding lip and bruised face.

"Let's get him to the hospital." The Alpha tells Jungkook and stands up.

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