Chapter 16: Lucky One

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As the Luna and Jin's mother discuss how to make Eunwoo the next Luna, the Luna and Alpha feel the family link with Jungkook snap. They both spring to their feet, one in horror and the other in surprise. Jungkook has mated which breaks the family link because he is growing his own family now.

The Alpha and Luna look at each other with different emotions swirling in their eyes then run to their separate vehicles. The next Luna has officially been chosen.

Because every council has a link with their Alpha and Luna, the five young council members feel themselves link with the new Luna. Jimin and Yoongi spring from their bed and quickly dress while Jin and Namjoon sprint out of their shower. Hoseok stops dancing and grabs his keys then leaves the stunned omega behind without a word.

When the five council members arrive at the apartment complex at the same time, they all look at each other with wide eyes. None of them expected the mating to happen this soon, so they are fearing that Jungkook's rut came early due to being around Taehyung.

"Fuck." Namjoon mumbles as they sprint up the stairs to Jungkook's condo.

They all promised Jungkook to not break into his apartment with the keys he gave them unless they thought it was an emergency. All five of them are panicking because Jungkook has turned off the link with them.

When they slam open the door, they are all slammed to the ground by a very pissed off alpha. His angered pheromones are suffocating as his red eyes glare at the five alphas on the ground. Because his new mate is vulnerable at the moment, all of his instincts are on high alert.

"J-Jungkook. Where is Tae?" Namjoon groans and tries to fight Jungkook's pheromones.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung's sweet voice floats into the room as he stumbles out of the bedroom.

"Tae, are you ok?" Namjoon asks and tries to stand up but is slammed back to the ground by a growl from the angry alpha.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung squeaks and hides behind Jungkook because he is only wearing one of Jungkook's over-sized t-shirts.

"We were worried because we felt uh some things." Namjoon explains because he is the only who can talk under Jungkook's hold.

"Jungkookie, you're naked." Taehyung whispers and pokes Jungkook's back.

Jungkook calms and looks at his sweet mate then glances back at his panting hyungs who are trying to recover from his hold. When Jungkook sees Taehyung's bare legs poking out from beneath the large shirt, he picks Taehyung up and carries him back to the room.

"Well, they seem ok." Jin groans and sits up as he holds his head.

"Did Taehyung really willingly mate?" Hoseok asks with big eyes as they look at the shut bedroom door.

"Jungkook is going to tear into us in the morning." Jimin groans and falls to the ground.

"I did not want to see Jungkook's ass at two in the morning." Yoongi huffs and tries to cleanse his mind of that sight.

"We saw all of him." Jin laughs and shakes his head.

"Let's go before we make him any angrier." Namjoon mumbles and stands up.

As they prepare to leave the apartment, the Alpha and Luna run to the door. Namjoon and Yoongi quickly slam the door in their faces because they know that the new mates' precious night together is about to turn into a shit show.

"Open this door right now!" The Luna commands and bangs on the door.

"No thank you!!!" Jin shouts as the five alphas put all of their weight against the door.

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