🔞 Chapter 15: Always by Your Side

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"Thank you so much, Rose. You were amazing today." Jungkook smiles and holds Taehyung's hand as he drives them home.

"I feel like I didn't even do anything." Taehyung mumbles and admires the handsome alpha sitting in the driver's seat.

"You did more than you realized. You gave me courage and kept me calm. I knew that my decisions were supported. I promise to become a better alpha to be even half the wolf you are. You are the bravest person I know." Jungkook softly tells Taehyung as he holds the beta's hand to his lips and leaves continuous kisses.

"I'm the one who ran away and left you hurting because I was afraid." The beta quietly murmurs and looks down.

"You had to protect yourself because at that time, you only had you for protection. I know that you have been braving everything alone. However, you never have to do anything alone from now on. We will brave everything together." Jungkook smiles and tightens his grip around Taehyung's soft hand.

"Together. I like that." Taehyung smiles and looks up at the handsome alpha.

"My beautiful beta." Jungkook whispers and places a loving kiss on Taehyung's hand as he parks the car.

"Jungkook, when is your next rut? I'm only asking because uh well ... can we uh can we m-mate beforeyournextrut!!!" Taehyung screams and runs out of the car with a beat red face, leaving a very stunned alpha behind.

When Taehyung runs into the condo, he screams and sprints to the bedroom then slams the door behind him and twists himself in all of the blankets. The adorable beta is beyond mortified that he even asked that question.

"Kim Taehyung!!! What have you done?! Are you crazy?! What is wrong with your head?! It's supposed to happen naturally!!! You stupid beta!!!" Taehyung screams as he twists and turns on the bed in horror of what he has just done.

While Taehyung screams in the apartment, Jungkook stays in his car, trying to process what he just heard. His mind runs over Taehyung's words over and over again. As he processes the beta's scream, a large smile spreads across the alpha's face. He grips the steering wheel and howls with joy as his wolf howls and howls with excitement and pride.

"Right. Jungkook. Calm down. Taehyung is probably mortified right now. Let's go calm down our beta." Jungkook takes a deep breath and collects himself then quickly goes to the condo.

When the alpha walks into the condo, he catches his beta's distressed scent and quickly goes to the room. As he opens the door, he can hear Taehyung's mortified cursing and mumbling. An adoring chuckle fills the room and stills the beta as Jungkook approaches him.

"Nooooo I'm so embarrassed." Taehyung squeaks in horror as Jungkook sits on the bed next to him.

"Rose, come here." Jungkook softly calls out and patiently waits for the cute beta.

When Taehyung's head finally pokes out from beneath the covers, Jungkook instantly coos and pulls the beta into his arms. Taehyung squeaks and struggles in Jungkook's arms to try and escape to find a new hiding place.

"Rose, look at me." Jungkook softly whispers and gently turns Taehyung's face to face him.

"I want to bury myself alive." Taehyung whines and covers his face as he turns half wolf with his ears poking out of his hair and his tail curling around his waist.

"Is my Tae this stressed?" Jungkook softly asks and pets the silver ears poking out from Taehyung's curly black hair.

"Noooooooo!!!" Taehyung whines and tries to hide his ears and tail.

"Cute." Jungkook coos and kisses Taehyung's nose.

"Are you upset because of what I said?" Taehyung whispers and looks down as his adorable ears droop.

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