🔞 Chapter 19: Burning for You

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Once they are home, Jungkook locks everyone out. He is determined to spend the next 48 hours with his mate and no one else.

When the beta curls up in the blankets, Jungkook lies down next to him and snuggles his mate in his arms. Taehyung softly hums and buries his nose against his mark on Jungkook's shoulder and closes his eyes.

"Thank you so much for today. I know that you were terrified, but you were so brave. I've never been able to stand up to him before. I am sorry that you had to meet him today like that." Jungkook whispers and soothingly rubs Taehyung's back.

"I promised to stand by your side, and that is exactly what I will do. I will become stronger and braver." Taehyung softly answers and kisses the mark on his mate's shoulder. The alpha softly hums at the tender touch and slips his hand beneath the beta's shirt. "Plus, I knew that if he tried to hurt me, you would never let him touch me. I know that I am safe with you."

"You saw my anger today. I was afraid that you would be scared of me." The alpha mumbles and curls up around his mate.

"You don't scare me. No matter how angry you become, you could never scare me. I know that I am the safest when I am with you." Taehyung softly mutters into Jungkook's neck.

"I love you so much. I started falling the moment you walked into the classroom with your fluffy hair in your face and hoodie pulled over your eyes. Everyday, I would try to get a look at your face because your scent was the sweetest. When I saw your face, I fell inevitably and madly in love. All that I wanted to do was to pull you into my arms and keep you safe. I wanted to make your beautiful eyes sparkle and gorgeous face light up with a smile. I wanted to feed you all of my favorite foods, so that you wouldn't weakly stumble through the busy streets. I wanted to do all of this, but I saw how you flinched whenever an alpha would brush past you. I became afraid that I would scare you. But that day, I said fuck it and went after you. I broke when I saw the fear in your eyes when you looked at me. I never want to scare you ever again." Jungkook cries towards the end as he holds onto his mate tighter.

"That fear was not caused by you. The pain that others left me with created that fear. It was never you. You were the beautiful, untouchable star that burned so brightly out of my reach. I was afraid to touch you and get burned. But, when I looked into your eyes, I saw that I would never be burned if I reached out and grabbed hold of you. So I did, and one day, I told myself that I would never let go now that I have the love of that unreachable star." Taehyung smiles and kisses Jungkook's soft lips.

"You will never lose my touch because I burn brightly for you."

"My first spark was yours and every burning moment is for you." The beta whispers with teary eyes then presses his lips to his mate's waiting lips.

The alpha softly hums and pulls the beta closer by the waist, pressing their burning bodies together. Taehyung opens his mouth and readily accepts everything Jungkook will give him. As their tongues, lips, and teeth passionately clash together, Jungkook rolls on top of his mate and lifts the beta's shirt.

When his large hands praise the beautiful body beneath him, he smiles into the kiss. His hands stop at the beta's soft tummy and kneed the warm flesh. He loves how his beta's body is becoming softer and healthier.


As alpha gently pulls away from the kiss, the beta blushes beneath him and looks at his alpha with shining eyes. Jungkook smiles then leans down and latches his lips around Taehyung's hardening nipple. A sweet moan fills the room as the alpha's tongue swirls around the beta's sensitive body. Every touch from the alpha burns Taehyung.

"My beautiful, beautiful mate." Jungkook whispers and traces his mate's body with his lips.

Taehyung softly moans as he lifts his hand and traces Jungkook's face. He smiles and brushes his fingers over the mark on Jungkook's shoulder.

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