Chapter 22: Please

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Taehyung freezes when he hears the Luna whisper his father's name. They all quickly look at her while she quickly looks at Taehyung.

"You fucking bastard! Did you really throw your beautiful pup away because he's a beta?!" The Luna screams in anger as realization hits her.

Hoseok quickly takes the omega pup from her arms as she angrily stands to her feet and storms over to the terrified alpha.

"You threw me away because I don't have blonde hair! You threw your son away because he's a beta! You disgust me. I can't believe that I ever loved you and hoped for you and your family's happiness." Heesun hisses in disgust at the end.

"I was the head alpha of my pack! I had to have a mate from my pack and an alpha pup." Taehyung's father bitterly chuckles. "If that mutt hadn't been born as a disappointment, everything would have worked out."

"DO NOT EVER CALL MY MATE A MUTT EVER AGAIN!" Jungkook bellows in anger and storms over to the now terrified alpha. "You never deserved Taehyung as your pup!"

"Your mate?" Daehyun asks in surprise as he trembles in the angered alpha's bone-crushing grip.

"My mate, the future Luna of the entire pack. It looks like you don't see who is truly precious and throw them away. The omega you threw away became the current Luna, and the pup you threw away is the future Luna" Jungkook growls and tosses Daehyun to the floor.

"That pathetic mutt became your mate?" 

In the blink of an eye, Jungkook lands a bone-shattering blow to Daehyun's jaw, slamming his head into the wall. "I thought that I told you to NEVER call my mate that EVER AGAIN!" Jungkook screams and slams his knee into the weakened alpha's abdomen.

"Kookie." Taehyung softly calls out and wraps his arms around the enraged alpha's waist.

The enraged alpha takes a step back and tries to calm down as his wolf continues to snarl in anger. His mate's gentle hold calms him, so he takes a deep breath and leans into Taehyung's arms. Once Jungkook is calm, Taehyung steps out from behind him and looks at the father that tossed him in front of the orphanage that snowy night.

"What did you do to my Eomma?" Taehyung asks and eyes the man.

"I banished her. She wouldn't let me get rid of you, so I banished her." The man answers and spits out the blood from his mouth onto the white floor.

"Where did she go?" The beta cries as he misses his mother. The more he looks at his father, the memories from that night become more vivid.

"Like I know. She left and never came back." He scoffs and looks away from the crying beta.

"Liar! I remember that there was blood! What did you do to her?!" Taehyung suddenly screams and grabs the man by the collar of his shirt.

"She's dead somewhere in a ditch where I left her. I should have left you there with her." The man sneers as he looks into Taehyung's broken eyes.

"Eomma. My eomma." Taehyung sobs and collapses to the floor as he continues to angrily shake the alpha.

Jungkook quickly pulls his mate into his arms to comfort him while the others look at the older alpha with horror and hatred burning in their eyes.

"Yoongi hyung, find her." Jungkook whispers and cradles his mate in his arms.

"I will." Yoongi nods and quickly leaves the apartment.

"Namjoon hyung, throw this monster in debtor's prison. He has a lot of debts to pay." Jungkook snarls as he looks at the horrified alpha.

"No! If you send me there, they will kill me!" He screams as Namjoon and Jin roughly lift him up from the ground.

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