Chapter 26: Begin

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As Yoongi and his hunters cross the stream, they instantly begin tracing the scents of the lost betas. Yoongi runs at full speed when he catches the scent of several of the betas. He and his alphas stop when they see a large mound of dirt covering a mass grave.

The large grey wolf lets out an angered and pained howl as he mourns the loss of the betas. His hunters join him and cry out to the lost souls.

"Let's get them home." Yoongi softly mutters when he turns to his human form.

He and his alphas carefully dig up the large grave. As they dig, the mourning wolves from the Crescent Pack surround them with anger in their eyes.

"Don't you dare attack us. You are the ones who brought this pain upon yourselves."  Yoongi growls and flashes his eyes in warning as his alphas prepare to fight.

"You attacked us!" A woman shouts in anger.

"You kidnapped and killed our betas!" Yoongi snarls and bares his canines.

"Leave the Gamma alone." A deep voice warns at the current Theta crosses the river with his alphas.

The angered wolves slowly retreat when the Theta's alphas begin to surround them with threatening growls.

"Thank you, Theta Kim." Yoongi bows his head in thanks and begins retrieving the bodies.

The young Gamma cries as he and his alphas carefully wrap the bodies of the young betas. He feels like screaming and tearing the entire Crescent Pack to pieces. The dead were so young and innocent.

"Gamma, let's get them home to their families and loved ones." The Theta softly tells Yoongi as the young Gamma cries while holding the youngest of the betas in his arms.

"She was so young." Yoongi sobs and stands up with her in his arms.

"The innocent are the ones who always suffer the most." The Theta whispers and gently lifts a beta into his arms.

"We will never let this happen again. Jungkook will make sure of this." Yoongi growls and begins the journey home.

The future Alpha and future Luna stand at the steps leading into the rehabilitation center, waiting for the return of the betas. Jungkook lovingly holds his mate by his side as they try to stay strong. They can feel their pack mourning the loss of the innocent.

When Yoongi appears, snow begins to gently fall from the sky. Taehyung looks at the horizon as dawn peaks. This is the dawn that marks the beginning of the transition.

As Yoongi walks through the falling snow, wolves begin to line the streets and gently lay snowdrop flowers on the road in farewell. Taehyung stands by his alpha's side with tears trickling down his face. Everything is silent as they mourn the loss of the young betas.

When Yoongi reaches the future Alpha, there are endless tears falling from the Gamma's eyes.

"Promise me that this will never happen again." Yoongi whispers and looks at the younger alpha with pain in his eyes.

"I promise." Jungkook softly smiles and looks at the carefully wrapped bundle in Yoongi's arms. "Her parents are waiting for her return." Jungkook whispers and gently pats his Gamma's head.

Soon, the snowy morning is filled with pain-filled cries as the loved ones hold their lost betas in their arms. The beautiful morning is filled with pain as the pack mourns the loss of innocent wolves.

"Rose, do you know why unstable pack transitions are bloody?" Jungkook softly asks his mate once they are alone.

"No." Taehyung mumbles and holds Jungkook's hands.

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