Chapter 24: Rescue

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Once Eunbin is moved to the rehabilitation facility, Heesun basically moves into her friend's room.  She refuses to leave her friend's side.

"Unnie, I'm ok." Eunbin lightly laughs as she watches Heesun fix her bed next to hers.

"Tae has a mate and responsibilities, so he won't be able to be here all of the time. But I'm retiring soon since he's the future Luna. I have all of the time in the world. Plus, Binna will love to be with you too." Heesun explains with a smile as she sits next to her friend and holds her hand.

"Also, it's safer for you two to be together. I can have Hoseok hyung watching over both of you at the same time. He is the future Zeta. You two are his top priority right now." Jungkook smiles at the two beautiful women.

"Thank you." Eunbin smiles up at her son's mate.

"You can trust me!" Hoseok grins as he walks into the room with snacks for Heesun and light food for Eunbin.

"How can we trust you when this council isn't going to their classes?" Heesun jokes as she happily takes the snacks from Hoseok.

"We'll go back to school after the Alpha transition." Jungkook's answer makes his mother freeze and look up at him in shock.

"Yoongi hyung, Jin hyung, and Namjoon hyung have all been looking into the beta disappearances. The current Alpha is selling them to the Crescent Pack. That's why that alpha in the woods had the idea to kill me and take Tae." Jungkook explains with a slight growl.

"This is why I'll be guarding you two with Hoseok hyung. My alphas will guard the rehabilitation center. This won't be a smooth transition like we had always hoped." Jimin explains as he walks into the room with the others.

"What about my Tiger? Is he going to stay here too since it's safe?" Eunbin asks with big eyes filled with fear for her pup.

"Eomma, I'll be ok. I'm his mate, so I am going to stay by his side." Taehyung answers and hugs his mother.

"You really are all grown up." Eunbin sniffles and clings to her pup.

"How long will the transition take?" Heesun asks as she holds Binna close to her.

"I am not sure, but you'll be safe here. You have the entire future night guard surrounding this center. Don't worry. I'll make sure that the transition happens with as little casualties as possible." Jungkook smiles and hugs his worried mother.

"He's vicious and conniving. You have to be extra careful." Heesun warns her son as she hugs him.

"Um Kim Seokjin?" A nurse asks as she walks to the room.

"Hm? What is it?" Jin answers and turns to look at the nurse.

"There is a crying omega here for you. He said that it's urgent." She explains with a bow.

"Eunwoo. Bring him here." Jin quickly answers and nervously waits for his little brother.

"Hyung! You have to help us! They took her! She's gone! She disappeared like the others!" Eunwoo sobs as he and an alpha rush towards them.

"Who? Who is missing? Eunwoo, tell Hyungie." Jin instantly pulls his little brother into is arms and hugs him while he looks at the alpha with his brother who looks pale.

"His sister is a beta. She disappeared. She was coming home after school, but never made it home. When we went to find her, there was a strong scent of various alphas." Eunwoo explains and holds the hand of the alpha by his side.

"Eunwoo, who is this?" Jin softly asks as he looks at the younger alpha.

"Hwang Inyeop. He and I are together." Eunwoo explains and holds the alpha's hand tighter.

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