Chapter 20: Frozen Lake

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Taehyung stops and swishes his tail when he realizes that Jungkook isn't next to him then yelps in surprise when Jungkook tackles him to the ground. The young mates happily yip at each other as they roll around in the snow.

Jungkook does not want to ruin the night with Taehyung over the alpha from before, so he plays with Taehyung and lets Namjoon and the others handle the problem for now.

The beta happily nips Jungkook's ear and tugs with an adorable growl. The alpha barks in excitement and wags his tail and tugs his head back. When Taehyung doesn't let go, Jungkook plops his giant body on top of his smaller mate. The beta yelps and struggles underneath his large mate.

Jungkook happily rumbles and smiles down at his adorable mate. He lowers his head and nips at Taehyung's ears then hops off of his mate. The beta huffs then tackles his mate to the ground. The alpha grunts in surprise then suddenly licks his mate's nose which causes Taehyung to sneeze in surprise.

The alpha coos at his adorable mate and licks his mate's ears. Taehyung happily hums and nuzzles his snout in his mate's thick, black fur. The alpha rumbles and stills as his mate cuddles him in the snowy night.

Suddenly, Taehyung springs to his feet and sprints towards the frozen lake he sees in the distance. Jungkook happily follows behind as all worries leave his mind. Right now, they are safely on their territory, and no wolf from another pack would dare step onto their pack's territory.

When Taehyung runs onto the lake, he instantly slips and squeals in excitement. Jungkook watches as Taehyung spins on the ice underneath the full moon as his silver fur shimmers.

The beta yelps as he tries to gain his balance but ends up continuously slipping on the ice. Jungkook softly chuckles at his adorable mate and prances over to help. He supportively nudges Taehyung up with his snout and backs up to let Taehyung walk on his own. But the beta ends up falling back onto the ice with his four legs splayed out. The beta lets out a disgruntled grunt and looks up at his mate.

"You are too adorable." The alpha coos and noses his mate to help him up.

"It's slippery." The beta pouts and tries to walk but slips again. This time, Jungkook leans down and catches his mate on his back. Taehyung huffs and slips off of his mate's back onto the ice.

"Have you never seen a stream before?" Jungkook asks as he helps Taehyung back to the edge of the lake.

"No. I've never been out of the city." Taehyung explains and sighs in relief once he's back on solid land.

"We'll come out more often." Jungkook smiles and lovingly nudges his mate with his head.

"That would be nice." The beta happily chirps and begins bouncing around in the snow. As Jungkook watches Taehyung playing in the snow, he realizes that his mate comes from the Kim family that came to the pack from the snow pack that was attacked by a vicious pack fifty years ago. Jungkook remembers his father telling him that the members that came to their pack had a hard time reproducing, so there are very few of them left.

"Are you enjoying the cold snow?" Jungkook softly chuckles when Taehyung plops down and rolls in the snow.

"I love it! My coat is so thick that the stream wasn't too cold for me." Taehyung happily answers and looks up at Jungkook when the alpha walks over to him.

The beta rolls onto his back and happily pants and looks up at his mate with his tail swishing in the snow. Jungkook coos when the beta paws at him and happily whines.

When Taehyung suddenly springs to his feet, Jungkook playfully chases after him and nips at his heels. Their playful barks and howls can be heard throughout the snowy forest.

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