Chapter 10: Getting to Know You

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"Joonie, what do we do?" Jin whispers and clings to Namjoon.

"Let me go see what they want." Namjoon smiles and kisses Jin then gets out of the bed.

Namjoon quickly puts on sweats and a hoodie, hoping it will mask some of Jin's scent that is clinging to him. When he opens the door, the last thing he expects is Jungkook to slip past him with a large grin on his face.

"Jin hyung! It's ok! You can come out! Taehyung already told us that you two are together!" Jungkook happily shouts and winks at Namjoon.

"He- how?" Jin asks as he stumbles into the living room.

"I'm invisible. People do things around me without knowing I'm there." Taehyung shrugs and looks at the furiously blushing pair.

"We- I'm sorry." Jin mumbles and looks down in shame because he and Namjoon were part of the people who looked past Taehyung.

"It's ok." Taehyung smiles and places his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Wait, does everyone know?" Namjoon asks when he realizes that Jungkook said that Taehyung told 'us'.

"Mhm." Jungkook nods with a big smile.

"And you're ok with it?" Jin asks with hope brimming in his voice and eyes.

"Of course I am. Once I am Alpha, you'll be able to openly express your love. Just hold out until then. I know that your parents are trying to attach you two to omegas." Jungkook softly tells the pair.

"Thank you." Namjoon cries and happily pulls Jin into his arms.

Jungkook happily smiles as he watches his hyungs relax and fill with happiness. After a few minutes, Jin has made everyone breakfast, and they are all seated at the breakfast table.

"So, why are you two here?" Namjoon asks while they eat.

"I wanted Taehyung to get to know everyone in a more intimate way. I figured one-on-one would be a better way than a big group." Jungkook explains and gently pats Taehyung's head.

"Is it ok that both of us are here?" Jin asks Taehyung with a soft smile.

"It's perfect since you two are mates." Taehyung smiles and happily munches on the strawberry muffin.

"Mates." Jin smiles and leans against Namjoon.

"So, what do you want to know about us?" Namjoon asks Taehyung and gently leans his head on Jin's head.

"Umm how old are you?" Taehyung nervously asks and picks at his delicious muffin.

"Jin and I are 23. We're about two months apart. I was born on September 12th, and Jin was born on December 4th." Namjoon answers with a sweet smile.

"Oh that's nice." Taehyung nods and mumbles while trying to memorize their birthdays. "How long have you two been together?" 

"Four years." Jin answers with a big smile.

"But I've loved him for eight years." Namjoon softly chuckles and nuzzles his cheek against Jin's head.

"Same." Jin grins and wraps his arms around Namjoon.

"That's sweet." Taehyung smiles brightly as he looks at the happy couple. "Which Kim families are you from?"

"I am the Beta Kim and Jin is the Theta Kim." Namjoon answers as he plays with Jin's hands.

"Can I call you my hyungs?" Taehyung cautiously asks and moves closer to Jungkook for support.

"Of course, Pretty!" Jin instantly answers with a dazzling smile.

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