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"We keep this love in a photograph. We made these memories for ourselves."

- Ed Sheeran (Photograph, 2014)



A few days passed, and her words about how there's still no one else like me remained engraved in my mind. It was like she knew exactly what to say to tug at my heartstrings. I wanted to stay more than anything. To let her know that I have not stopped loving her even after everything. But, looking into the eyes of someone that broke my heart plenty of times, I'm more guarded with my choices. So, I left. I followed what my head told me to do despite my heart telling me to stay.

Just like the previous days, I woke up thinking of her. She was the first and last thing in my mind. Sometimes, I would find myself looking at my phone to see if somehow she texted me. She didn't. It's completely understandable considering that I left the day she wanted me to stay. She's respecting the space I clearly asked for. But, it doesn't change the fact that my heart still yearns for her.

Maybe this is for the best. The holiday is almost over, and New Year's Eve is today. Another celebration with the Olsens. And I know, after today, everything will go back to normal. She'll go back to being with Robbie, and I'll be left alone yet again. I have to stop romanticizing every moment I have with her, and see how it really is. It's purely platonic. She doesn't feel the same way. She doesn't love me. Not the way that she used to.

A loud knock pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned the volume of the television down, and made my way to the door. I opened it slowly and found MK with a big smile on her face as she's holding two plastic bags.

"Hi!" She said excitedly. "I hope you're hungry because I got us breakfast!"

A smile slowly crept up on my face, "I am actually."

"That's good. Can I come in?"

"Oh yeah, of course."

I closed the door behind her and followed MK to the dining room, where she began to take the contents out of the bag, laying them nicely on the table. I stood a few feet away from her, watching her every move. She seemed bright and happy to be doing something so simple.

"I'm sorry I came here unannounced." MK spoke apologetically. "I happened to be in the neighborhood, and I thought it would be nice for me to bring you something to eat since you like to skip your meals so much."

"Hey! I don't skip my meals that often."

She gave me a look, "Tell me you're not being serious. You only eat lunch. Sometimes I have to remind you to have dinner."

"Fine, you're right." I sighed in defeat as we took our seats. "Happy?"

"Very, now let's eat, shall we?"

I nodded with a smile as we both started to eat the food in front of us. Every once in a while, MK and I would laugh at every topic we talked about no matter how unfunny they were. But, somehow, she found a way to make things laughable.

"How are things with you and Lizzie?" I asked, giving MK a plate to dry. "I heard that you two got into an argument. It looked pretty serious considering that you didn't want to talk about it when I asked."

No One Else Like YouWhere stories live. Discover now