Chapter 9

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Although the first touch was tentative, it was electric. When they pulled back from the light contact, they both smiled at each other. It had taken them 20 years to kiss and there was no way she was ever going to go that long again, shit she didn't even think she wanted to go more than five minutes without that again. She leaned in again and heard him whisper, "Again?"

She nodded, "Again."

This time when their lips touched, it wasn't as tentative. She moved her lips slowly over his. The kiss moved much like their relationship had,in stages. When she lightly sucked his bottom lip into her mouth, he sucked her top lip into his. They went back and forth exchanging lips. On one movement she would have his bottom at another she would have his top and he the opposite. He introduced his tongue first by running his tongue along her top lip.

She let out a small whimper before she opened her mouth to him. They moved in sync with each other. She allowed him to explore her mouth first. He did this slowly, learning and categorizing every spot that made her moan lowly. When he was satisfied, he allowed her to do the same. By the time they pulled apart, they were both breathing heavily.

"Mmm El." She was a little dazed. She tried to chalk it up to the fact that she hadn't kissed anyone for years but she knew it was because she had never been kissed like that ever in her life.

He couldn't do anything but nod, "I know Liv." He leaned in once more.

She smiled at him before he closed his lips over hers. Each time they connected, it was a stronger sensation than is was before and each time their tongues swiped against one another a new bolt of pleasure rushed through her spine. This time their kiss was feverish. Their heads were twisting, trying to find any way to deepen the kiss more than it already was. When she realized what the problem was, she swung her right leg over his lap and maneuvered her way into straddling him. He wasted no time tangling his hands in her hair just as she wasted no time wrapping her arms around his neck. As they pulled apart once more, it was official that she had never been kissed like that before. Never with such a passion that she honestly felt that she was on the brink of an orgasm already. She was almost certain that if Elliot were to move his hips just the slightest bit, she would tip over for the first time in who knows how long. His basketball shorts did nothing to conceal the beginnings of his erection that was pressing against her and her pajama shorts did nothing to provide a barrier between them.

He ran his fingers through her hair once before gliding his hands along her upper arms and down the sides of her body. She slightly trembled as his hands traveled and she dropped her forehead to his. He was pretty certain by her body language that she had more than enjoyed the kiss, not that he hadn't more than enjoyed it also. He never thought that Olivia would be the hypersensitive type, but she was definitely proving him wrong. Her fingers were gripping into his shoulders, her breathing was deep and he could tell that she was trying to keep her hips as still as possible. He leaned his mouth close to her ear, "You okay?"

Damn him. His whispering in her ear definitely was not going to help her current situation, especially in that sultry voice he just used. She shook her head 'no' without even thinking. She was not okay, her body was screaming at her to get her a release.

He moved his hands slowly from her hips to her ass. "Do you need me to make you cum Liv?"

At that point she didn't even know what her body was doing anymore. Every sound he made, every touch she felt was causing her to climb higher. Her synapses were on fire and this, whatever it was, was completely new to her. "Elliot...I..."

He gripped her ass a little tighter before removing his hands and rubbing small circles on her lower back, causing her to exhale a deep breath out of her mouth, "Shh, don't think. Just yes or no Olivia." He knew that she always had a tendency of overthinking things. Knowing her, she probably had a checklist of what she wanted to discuss with him before she even considered getting to the point they were at. He hadn't meant for her to get to this point, he had kept his hands in her hair for that very reason. He didn't want to push her into anything she wasn't ready for. However, if she needed a little push to get her to ask him, he didn't mind supplying it.

THE RETURN Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ