Chapter 72

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She was sitting on the edge of the doctors office bed, twiddling her thumbs, when Elliot walked back into the room. He had excused himself due to the bad service when Elizabeth called him confirming that she had made it to the airport safely. A few days before her 18 week appointment, the older kids had finally called them announcing that they were all free to come down for a week. Elliot and Olivia hadn't wasted any time purchasing plane tickets for each of them and making phone calls to all those that Olivia wanted to come over for the housewarming party, which was scheduled to take place that coming Saturday. They thought the timing couldn't have been more perfect because the day that they were all flying out, was the same day Dr. Michelle was going to confirm the gender for them.

"She's at the airport?" She asked as he sat down in the seat provided for him.

"Yes, everyone else is also. So now just to wait for their texts confirming that they're on their planes."

"So, they check in when they get to the airport and when they get on their planes?"

"Yes, I have to ensure none of them get lost in the airport also." When she raised her eyebrows at him, he smiled and shrugged his shoulders, "It makes me feel better."

"Okay, as long as it makes you feel better." Her hand came up to rest on her belly when she felt their child move within her and she laughed lightly, "She thinks that's a little overboard also."

He chuckled and leaned his body far enough forward so that he could place his hand against her as well, "Or, she thinks it's the right amount of overboard because anything could happen to her siblings in an airport and her father just wants to ensure that nothing did."

Elliot's voice caused the movement inside of her to increase and she smiled, "You may be a little bit right. She does really like you."

He leaned in his lips as close as he could to her stomach to whisper, "I really like you too."

Since she had to return to work after her appointment, Elliot would be the only one to pick up all the kids from the airport. Because they were all arriving at different times throughout the day, he was going to spend most of his day driving back and forth from the airport, squeezing in picking up Lei and Noah from school as well. If everything worked out as planned, she would arrive home to the presence of Kathleen, Hailey, Richard, Elizabeth, Eli and Noah. Elliot wouldn't arrive with Maureen and her boys until about 7:30pm. "You sure you can handle everything that needs to be handled today? I can stop at the grocery when I'm off, so that you can at least have enough time to get your head together before you have to spend all day in Manhattan traffic."

"I'll be fine, Liv. I have enough time to do the grocery shopping. I took an hour this morning preparing for my day in traffic."

She blushed slightly. He had not only conquered his thirty minute workout routine before they had to wake up the kids for school, he also had spent a solid 15 minutes with his face between her thighs and the other 15 inside of her. "Okay, but you better not be in a bad mood when you get home tonight."

"Well if I am, I know something that will make me in a better mood."

When he winked at her and grinned, she laughed, "Keep dreaming, El. That is NOT happening while we have all the kids in the house."

At that moment, he looked at her like a deer in highlights. Because of their bigger place, all the kids, including Kathleen, had agreed to stay in the new house for the week that they would be there. It would save everyone money and Olivia and Elliot were glad to have them all. However, a whole week without being intimate, was not something that they were accustomed to, especially with her increase of hormones. "Are you serious?" With the nod of her head, he said, "I didn't agree to that."

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