Chapter 23

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She was grateful that her hospital bed was in a sitting position and that all that was really required of her was to place her feet on the ground and stand. With the assistance of Elliot's hands keeping her torso steady, the movement to her feet wasn't that painful. However, when she attempted to straighten herself up, so that she wasn't in a crouched over position, the pain that shot through her was enough to cause her knees to buckle. "Shit!" Elliot's hands were quick to wrap around her to support her weight. She wrapped her arms around him as well and used his solid body to lean against, "It hurts." She whispered.

"I know." He placed a kiss on her head, "Just take your time. We're in no rush."

She nodded her head. They stood there quietly as she inched her body more straighter against him. Once her back was finally in the proper position, she released her hands from him. Their ability to always move in sync with each other was as perfect as ever. Without words, he helped her turn her body, so that he was standing behind her. With his hands still keeping her torso steady, they made their way slowly to the bathroom. Every step she took caused another wave of pain that seemed to start at her lower back and climb it's way up to her head. But, she kept on a calm exterior until she heard the door close behind them. Once it did she let out a groan. "It hurts so bad El." The words almost lodged themselves on the sob that was threatening to escape her throat.

He was quick to pivot his body in front of her and weave his hands through her hair to tilt her head up slightly to look at him, "Try not to sob. It's going to cause you even more pain." He had many broken ribs throughout his years of police work. However, never had he had five broken at once. He knew the horrible pain of only two, he could only imagine the excruciating pain of five. When he saw her chin tremble and a tear cascade out of her eye and down her cheek, he leaned to press his lips against hers. "You're so strong Olivia."

Their lips connected and she allowed herself to get lost in the sensation. Elliot's lips were the exact distraction she needed at that moment. As his lips worked against hers, she felt him reach behind her to untie her hospital gown. He pulled the material off her shoulders and down her arms. Only when the material fell at her feet, did he sever the kiss. "That helped."

He smiled at her, "There's plenty more of those." He knelt down to pull her underwear down her legs. After successfully supporting her as she stepped out of them, he stood back up and guided her hands to hold on to his waist. He made quick work of taking off his own clothes, including his socks and shoes, before reaching over to turn the water on. His hands settled on her torso once again and he guided them under the spray of hot water.

Her reaction was instant. Elliot had been careful to place her in an area that the water wouldn't hit any of her bruises directly. The stream was hitting her in between the shoulder blades, allowing a rhythmic pulsing against her sore muscles and hot water to run along both sides of her body equally. She sighed in relief and pressed her cheek against his shoulder.

"Feel okay?" He asked her.

She nodded, "Yes, it's perfect."

"You're perfect."

That elicited a light laugh from her, "I sure don't feel perfect right now."

"Doesn't matter, you still are." He rubbed his hand lightly up and down her back and reached for her shampoo, that he had placed on the sink.

She couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips. Never had she been with a man that had complimented her as much as Elliot did. The fact that she liked it, kind of took her back a little. She just wasn't one who accepted compliments freely. She allowed Elliot complete control of her body, as he pivoted around her, pulled her back flush against his chest and washed her hair. The feeling of his short nails scraping against her scalp was enough, despite the physical condition she was in, to cause a dampness down south that had nothing to do with the water around them. The fact that there were things that Elliot was causing her to discover about her body, made her realize that she had never really been with a man who took their time with her. Shit, she had never been with a man who had even washed her hair. She felt that if she allowed herself to get lost in the incredible bolts of pleasure that his fingers were causing to run down her spine, she could have an orgasm. Which really didn't surprise her, her body was in overdrive with Elliot. She hadn't even realized she had been moaning softly, until he chuckled behind. "It feels so good."

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