Chapter 79

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She was patiently standing outside the door to their home, staring at the rock he had placed on her hand just hours earlier. They had celebrated with everyone over dinner. Even called all of his kids who were more than excited about the marriage. Elizabeth had gone right into wedding talk with her and she had to remind the young woman and apparently Elliot, that she wanted to wait until after Hannah was born for the marriage. He had run through the plans for the night with her and she was more than relieved that he allowed her to sleep as long as she had the night before. Her mind and body still ached for him every time she saw him but her exhaustion from her pregnancy coupled with their everyday lives always won over for her. As much as she enjoyed being pregnant and counted every day as a blessing, she really couldn't wait to have her body back.

When they arrived at their complex after dropping the boys off to Kathleen, he had asked her to give him a moment to check Kathleen's work in their home before she entered. She wasn't really sure what to expect from the man but she knew it wouldn't be anything less than amazing. While she stared at the beautiful ring he had chosen for her, she prepared herself for a night of tears, laughter and an endless amount of orgasms. Since it had been a few weeks since she let him take care of her, just the thought of an orgasm made her thighs quench together. When Hannah rolled inside her, she smiled and rubbed her stomach with her left hand. She whispered, "No more sugar for you," just as the door opened before her.

Opening the door to Olivia Benson rubbing their child growing inside of her was still like a dream to him. To have so much with her, at their age, was nothing short than amazing. "Is she moving?" he asked as his hands landed on her abdomen.

"She is."

He smiled as Hannah kicked repeatedly against his hand and leaned down to speak against Olivia's stomach, "Mommy chose a bad day to have dessert. You're probably not going to want to be awake for what is coming."

"El! Don't tell her that," she laughed out. When he stood back to her level, she said, "You're horrible."

"What? She doesn't know what's coming. She's never allowed to know about what's coming. Never."

She laughed once again, "Did you say that about all of them?"

"Yeah, they didn't listen. But, you never know, maybe Hannah will."

"I'll just let you keep hoping that."

He mocked a frown before kissing her lips lightly, "Okay, close your eyes and don't open them until I say."

She whispered, "Okay," before allowing him to lead her into their home with her eyes closed. She let him lead her way entirely, stopping when he stopped and moving her body as he moved her. She thought he must have been positioning her in exactly the right angle for her to open her eyes. By the distance they traveled, Olivia was sure that they weren't in their room and most likely standing in the living room. Did the man really set up the whole house for the night of their engagement? Instead of hearing him tell her to open her eyes, she felt his hands sliding her purse off her shoulder, felt them push her cardigan down her arms and felt him wrap his arms around her from behind, settling them gently on the swell of her stomach.

As his lips kissed her neck gently, he whispered, "Open."

Olivia Benson hadn't been romanced a lot in her life before Elliot came back to her. Her relationships didn't consist of being romantic and to be honest, if anyone would have asked her, she preferred it that way. Roses and candles were never her thing. She really was only interested in her release, something to help her forget the horrors of her everyday life in the job. She didn't care about the feelings behind the sex. After being with Elliot, she couldn't imagine having the sex she used to have. Sex that was based fully on the physicality of the act, not the emotional part. She had given her body to many and her heart to only one. To the only one who really deserved it. To the only one who had transformed their entire living room into the most heartfelt thing she had ever seen.

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