Chapter 82

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It took her forever to figure out what she was going to wear. Everything she put on made her feel like a bowling ball and she had stopped asking Elliot for opinions because he kept telling her she looked great in everything. He had finally convinced her to go shopping one day after work. She was supposed to look nice for her own baby shower, and was actually happy with what she had chosen, but really she just wanted to throw on some sweatpants and one of Elliot's shirts.

34 weeks. It was almost April, two more weeks of work, six more weeks of pregnancy. And she could do it. She could. She was almost there. Almost to the finish line of a journey she never thought she would have. She was grateful, incredibly grateful but she just wanted to hold their little girl already. But she needed a little more time to grow and as much as she wanted her out, Olivia was determined to keep her in as long as possible.

She was looking at herself in the mirror in a loose long pink dress when Elliot walked in. Herself, in pink. She never would have thought. The neckline was high enough to cover her cleavage completely, but low enough to show some skin and the sleeves were long. She looked...

"So, beautiful," he whispered, his hands already holding up his phone to take a picture of her. It had become his favorite thing, taking as many photos of her that he could. He never wanted to forget her like this; he never wanted her to forget either.

She smiled, did a small spin to show the flow of the bottom and God, it was kind of sick to be this happy. Her hands rubbed along her bump gently and when her eyes made contact with his, she couldn't help the tears that filled her eyes. Life felt surreal most days. She always felt like she was going to wake up to it all being a dream. That it would be that day she woke up to Noah begging for pancakes on her bed. But each day, she woke up to his arms around her, to their daughter kicking inside of her, to Noah and Eli sitting on the couch together watching a movie. She had a family, Noah had a family and soon, real soon, they would be Stablers. Benson- Stablers.

He was beyond happy too. She was the woman of his dreams, one he wanted forever and had finally been given a chance to have. And on top of that, they had gotten pregnant. Something they both did not think was possible but had happened anyways.

As he wrapped his arms around her, her belly pressed against his, her arms around his neck, she sighed in contentment. His hands rubbed along her spine, hitting those spots he always seemed to know were hurting. When she moaned in appreciation, he said, "The house looks amazing."

Light pink and lavender was everywhere. Stars and moons were hung, a big banner with Hannah's name hung in the living room, a balloon arch and a backdrop were set up in the dining area, the table pushed back against the wall to fit a picture spot, which Kathleen insisted was needed. Games were set, food was being made, prizes were chosen, gifts were bought and it was all due to start in one hour. Elliot's daughters had planned the whole thing, had dictated the men on how to set everything up and even Kathy was there to help.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you guys," she said as her hands came up to rub against the back of his head.

He smiled, leaned down to kiss her lips softly but passionately, "I love you."

"I love you too, El."

When Hannah kicked between them, he moved his around her sides to the swell of her abdomen. Smiled when Hannah kicked once more and God, they both couldn't wait for her to be there. "Almost there, mama." His rubbed against her stomach in a soothing motion and she hummed.

"I know." Her hands came up to rest against his, their foreheads falling together.

She was scared. He knew she was scared. What woman wouldn't be scared of pushing a baby out? But she was doing great in Lamaze. Was practicing her breathing all the time at home. Was determined to try to make Hannah's birth as calm as possible. Triggers needed to be discussed, soon, but he figured they could really hone in on that after her shower, after she was completely done with work. They would figure it out. They always did.

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