Chapter 76

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Elliot woke up Saturday morning with his arms wrapped securely around a naked Olivia. Since no one had mentioned or even made a face at them when they awoke Friday morning, it didn't take a lot of convincing to get her into bed naked Friday night as well. Rubbing his hands along her abdomen softly, he couldn't help the sigh of contentment that escaped his lips. Finally being with her the way he always dreamed of and still having the opportunity to have children with her, filled his heart more than he could ever explain. Since his kids had been there, he had continuously thought of the right moment to not only ask her to be his wife but to also ask Noah to be his son. He knew it was a proposal that he wanted to make to both of them at the same time and he wanted it to be perfect. The perfect time of the day, so that he could spend the rest of it with the two of them and still be able to have Olivia all to himself during the night and the perfect moment, so that Olivia didn't feel overwhelmed with being the center of attention.

With the group of people coming that night, their old squad, Olivia's current squad and all of his children, he thought that although he would consider it the perfect moment, Olivia may not. She was always more of a private person when it came to her personal life and because her fantasy proposal was one that never came up in discussion over a stakeout, he didn't really know what she would consider perfect but he was bound to make it perfect regardless.

He was taken out of his thoughts by a slight knock on his bedroom door. The stirring in his arms and light moan that escaped from her lips, made him know that the knock had also woken the woman in his arms. When the knock occurred once more, Olivia turned her body in his arms and wrapped her arm around his waist, pressing her bare breasts tightly against his bare chest. As he wrapped his arms around her, he asked loudly, "Yes?"

"It's Kathy. I'm really sorry to wake you but the other bathroom is being used and I really need to go."

Olivia groaned lowly and took it upon herself to pull the blanket up high around both their bodies. Of course, the one night that she agreed to not pull clothes on, was the night that someone was going to need to use the restroom. Since there was absolutely no way in hell she was getting up yet, she whispered to Elliot, "If she realizes I'm naked, I'm going to murder you."

He chuckled lightly and kissed her forehead. Since he had gotten up in the middle of the night to get her some water, he was dressed in a pair of pajama pants. Getting up quickly to unlock their door, securing a whine of protest from Olivia that didn't end until he was back into bed with his arms around her, he ensured that the blanket was covering every piece of her skin, and said, "You can come in."

The door opened slowly, revealing a timid Kathy, who mouthed an apology to him and smiled at the sight of the two wrapped around one another. He shook his head lightly and pointed toward the door of the bathroom.

Olivia didn't move the entire time she used the restroom and only mumbled a low, "Morning, Kathy," when she heard the bathroom door open.

"Good morning, Olivia. Sorry I woke you."

She kept her eyes closed and her arms around Elliot when she spoke, "That's okay, sure I would have only lasted another 30 minutes with the kids anyways."

Kathy nodded and smiled. As she made her way to their door she said, "Thirty minutes is a lot of time when pregnant."

Olivia mumbled quietly, "If that isn't the truth." When she heard the door to their bedroom close, she asked, "What time is it?"

Elliot glanced at the clock hanging over their dresser before answering, "8:30."

She groaned once more, "I don't want to get up yet."

He kissed the top of her head gently, "You don't have to. I'll go keep everyone entertained and I'll have breakfast ready for you when you wake up."

She shook her head against him almost violently against him and held onto him tighter, "No, that means I don't want you to get up either. Can't we just stay in bed all day?"

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