Chapter 69

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Olivia was sitting in their new living room on the couch, with her feet propped up on the coffee table, and a book in her hands. There was a constant thought in her head, that although they had gotten most of the unpacking done, that she should be doing something more than sitting. The boys were both in their new rooms, setting things up the way they wanted, keeping Elliot more than busy assisting both of them.

She had just finished unpacking the kitchen, setting the last glass on the shelf, when Elliot skimmed by her and asked her to take a little break. Since the day they had signed the papers for their condo, they had done almost exactly what he had asked for when they had first seen the place. The boys did all the hard labor, while she packed and unpacked small items and dictated the rest.

With the help from her crew, Kathleen and the moving company, they were able to get everything into the condo and mostly everything unpacked in about three weeks. The few boxes that still lined the walls were items such as pictures and knick knacks, things that Olivia believed should be placed last.

With that fact, she had listened to Elliot's small plea and had decided to take a small rest with her book. At 17 weeks pregnant, she was beginning to really feel the extra weight applied to her feet all day. According to Michelle at her last appointment, her weight was still perfect, and she'd only gained ten pounds. However, her expanding abdomen was visible to the point that those who she had never met before were doing a double take at it and those who she had known for a long time stared at it. She had caught Fin the other day with his eyes glued to her protruding stomach. When he realized that he had been caught, he had shrugged his shoulders and smiled genuinely at her.

About a week ago, they had spent a whole Saturday furniture shopping and taking a moment to glance around the condo, she was more than happy with the selections they had made. The couch that she was currently sitting on was a dark grey sectional that Elliot had pretty much let her chose by herself, they had chosen a lighter grey recliner to set in the living room as well, a dining table that could expand big enough to hold twelve people, a grayish blue rug for the living room and a gray rug with white diamond shapes for under the table. They had also, finally, purchased themselves a new bed and Elliot ensured that they chose one that a mattress cover would fit over. The boys were able to choose a few things for their rooms as well, and they had decided to shop for the baby's furniture after they for sure knew she was a girl. The place really was the perfect place for them, and they were all more than thankful for enough space to breathe again.

That night would be only their third night sleeping in the new house. Since she really didn't want to have to move around the house while everything was everywhere, the boys had taken the time to arrange everything in a way that was organized. Their beds were the last thing to be transferred over, and once those were in their designated rooms, they had turned in the keys to the apartment and migrated themselves into the new house as well.

The exhaustion that accompanied the moving had caused all of them to be dead on their feet. It was as if for the last three weeks all they did was live and breathe moving. She felt worse for Elliot because he had done most of the work. While she was at work and the boys were in school, he had spent most of his time packing. She had tried to ask him continuously to wait until she got home so she could help, but he always refused and told her that he had it completely under control.

That Saturday morning was the first morning in a long time that they had all slept past ten, and it had given them a nice boost of energy. Especially Elliot, who had definitely woken up on the right side of the bed that morning. She could tell by the way he snatched her around the waist as she was walking by him in the kitchen, to shove his tongue down her throat. The kiss he laid on her was so deep and sensual that she had to take a minute to let the fire in her core burn out.

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