Chapter 51

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When her lips reconnected with his at that moment, they were reconnected with a passion, not a sadness. Not only did his words always affect her emotionally but they also always affected her physically as well. The throb in her heart matched the one in her core so perfectly, in a way she had never felt before. In a way that guaranteed her time and time again, that she had never been in love before then.

Elliot had learned the difference between her kisses very early in their relationship. And the kiss that she was giving him at that moment, was the kiss of a woman who had one thing on her mind. "Ol... Olivia...," he mumbled through the closing of their lips, "Work, Olivia." Honestly he could care less about her having to go to work. However, he knew that once she was satisfied and sedated, her eyes would connect with her phone and she would murder both of them for her being late to work.

While she lifted the plate off her lap to set on the nightstand, she rolled her eyes. The man could be so forgetful sometimes. Reluctantly breaking their lips, she said, "Elliot, you woke me up an hour earlier. I have an extra hour to get ready, well maybe like 45 minutes because I really want to eat those pancakes. I think 45 minutes is way then enough time."

He grinned. Although he lifted the covers enough to begin his descent over her, he jokingly said against her lips, "I made those pancakes with love this morning, so you better eat them."

Spoken as a joke rather than a demand, she laughed, "I'll eat them, promise." Once their lips reconnected, she timed the lowering of her body with his, and they succeeded in getting her flat on her back with him on his elbows over her. She didn't waste any time hooking her hands in his shirt and pushing it up. With men before Elliot, Olivia was able to have sex with shirts on. It was easier that way, skin to skin was to intimate. However, that had yet to be a case with Elliot. The first thing either one of them were doing at the start of their love making, was removing one another shirts.

Elliot pushed her shirt up as well, so when they had to pull apart their lips, they were able to discard each other of the offending garments. Taking a moment to look at her, he still wasn't all the way certain how the woman was so breathtakingly beautiful. It wasn't until he started his descend towards her once more, to reconnect their lips, that he whispered, "You're the hottest Captain I've ever seen."

She smiled, "I would hope so. If you have ever seen a Captain hotter than me, that's probably not something you'd want to admit at this moment."

He chuckled and swept his tongue over the roof of her mouth. When she molded her lips to his and drew her fingernails slightly down his back, his hips instinctually thrusted towards hers. Causing his covered hard-on to crash perfecting into her covered core. The quiet moan of approval that she pushed into his mouth only made the blood flow to his cock quicker. His lips reluctantly detached from hers only so they could trail down her jawline to her neck.

Her hands explored every portion of him that they could reach. Wrapping around his head, down his neck, under his arms and across his backside. When his lips made contact with her collar bone, she lifted her legs up and around his backside, crossing them at the ankle. Effectively causing his body to inch that much closer to hers.

Skin to skin was always one of Elliot's favorite things. He could lie in bed all day, perfectly content, with her bare chest against his. Something that he had still yet to accomplish with her. As his lips trailed up and over her breasts, he made a mental note to plan another overnight date.

Her back arched when she felt a blow of hot breath on her already hardened nipple, "Jesus El, stop teasing me..." her voice was a mere whisper. Just loud enough for Elliot to barely hear. Her eyes dropped down just in time to watch him draw his tongue out and over her once before pulling her whole areola in his mouth. "Elll..." Right when she felt his mouth loosened its hold on her to flick his tongue against her pepple once more, her phone rang.

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