Chapter 47

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"You're positive you'll be able to make the house appointment today?" Elliot asked from the bed, as he watched the woman before him pull a pair of slacks over her hips. It was Monday, September 30th. The day Olivia's doctor had allowed her to return to work. The last two weeks had flown by faster than Elliot cared to admit and both adults were trying their hardest to mask the slight pain they were both feeling about her having to return to work.

They had been pleasantly surprised when her apartment had sold almost instantly and even more surprised that it had sold for a larger price than they asked for. Because of her growing frustration over lack of space, Olivia had finally been the one to tell Elliot to call the condo to set up the earliest appointment they had available. Of course, the earliest appointment had been the day she was going back to work. Although, she had reassured him over and over again that she would be there, he knew how busy she was going to be on her first day back and didn't want her to stress about anything more than she had to.

"Yes, Elliot. For the 50th time, I will be there."

"You're going to be really busy today Liv."

She sighed as she bent down to pull her boots on and said, "I know I will be. Just as I know that I'll be at the condo appointment." She stood up straight, walked over to him, and continued. "I'm the boss, remember?"

He smiled. Since he was sitting on the bed, when he reached his hands out, they landed on the back of her thighs. His fingers drew lazy circles against them, "Yes, I remember."

She placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned down to kiss him, "Plus, I really like this condo and I'm praying it will be 'the one' so we don't have to look at anything else."

"Me too baby."

She kissed him once more before whispering, "Five o'clock, I'll be there."

He nodded, "I'll miss you today."

"Oh god, don't do that." She huffed as she pulled out of his embrace and went to grab her coat that was draped over the dresser.

He chuckled lightly and followed her movements with his eyes, "Don't do what?"

"Don't get all sappy on me. We both knew I was going to have to return at some point."

"I know, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to miss you."

She shook her head. Truth was, she was going to miss him also. More than she had missed any man that came before him. Olivia had never really discovered the true meaning of 'missing someone', until Noah came into her life. Her son was the one person that had taught her that work was not as important as she always believed it was. Being with Elliot only heightened that knowledge of hers. She wanted to go back to work, but she no longer wanted to have to stay long hours even more than she no longer wanted to when Noah came along. Elliot hadn't even come close to asking her to retire, however that didn't make her less fearful that he wouldn't one day. This job tore relationships apart, it was a fact that came along in the police business. While she was slipping her arms into her jacket, she whispered, "Don't make this harder for me."

At that he stood and made his way to her. The last thing he wanted was for her to think that he was pressuring her into doing something she wasn't ready to do yet. During one of their late night chats, she had admitted to him the reason why she had ended things with Tucker. If Olivia Benson was anything, it was a strong, independent woman who did what she wanted to do, on her own terms. As his arms encircled her waist from behind, he whispered, "Hey, you know I'm not trying to do that." With the responding nod of her head, he placed a kiss on her temple, "I love you and I'll see you at five."

She smiled, "I love you too." When she turned her body around in his arms, she whispered, "I'll miss you too."

Arriving back to work after almost six weeks out was just as crazy as anyone would imagine. Fin had tried his hardest to close as many cases as he could and to file through the load of paperwork she was responsible for on a daily basis, however there was only so much a person could do while taking care of a whole squad by themselves that wasn't used to doing it everyday. She was only allowed enough time to pour herself a cup of coffee and grab one of the doughnuts Carisi had brought before her phone was ringing off the hook, her detectives were asking her questions on every case they had yet to close, and the chief was throwing more paperwork on top of the paperwork she already had on her desk.

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