Chapter 35

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Elliot was sitting against his headboard with his laptop open on his lap, listening to his four oldest children bicker back and forth about Elizabeth's expensive wants for her upcoming wedding.

"It's my big day, I should get what I want." Elizabeth explained.

Maureen visibly rolled her eyes, "Yes, it's your big day but it doesn't need to cost 60 grand. I managed to do mine in 8 and was perfect."

"Yeah, but you aren't Queen fucking Elizabeth over here who wants a horse and carriage to carry her off into the sunset." Richard stated, shoving a handful of Cheeto puffs into his mouth.

"Hey! I don't want a horse and carriage, I want a hummer limo. If you're going to talk shit, at least talk shit correctly."

"A hummer limo, a live band, the beach for the ceremony, the most expensive place for the reception, a, What was it? $5000 wedding dress you were eyeing? Like what do you think dad is made of?" Maureen said.

Elizabeth huffed, "Kathleen! Dad! Help me out a little bit here."

Elliot sighed, while Kathleen looked off in the distance feigning innocence. "I can tell you one thing Elizabeth, the first thing that needs to be established is a budget. Which is I why I told you to start looking at things you liked, but honey, your brother and sister are right. You're looking into things that are a little too pricey."

"You told me to look at things I liked!"

Maureen dramatically smacked her head on the wall next to her, "He told me the same thing Liz. And the stuff I liked was cheap because I was well aware he couldn't afford the stuff you're looking at."

"The most I could probably do is 20,000 honey. And that's pushing it a little. You can break that up as you want. If you want your $5000 dress, you can have it but then you only have 15 left to work with. You can ask your mom if she's willing to pitch in anything above that."

"I've already talked to mom. She said she could do 10." Elizabeth bent over to pull out a notebook and spoke out loud as she wrote, "Okay, so that's $30,000. You think there's anyone else I can ask? His parents are paying for the honeymoon."

"Oh heaven help us." Dickie said. "Someone please change the damn subject before I crawl through the computer and strangle her."

"Fine. Let's talk about your new girlfriend for this week Dick." Elizabeth stated sarcastically.

Kathleen laughed, "Yeah, I seriously hope you use protection with all these different girls you have laying around."

Dickie snorted, "Yeah, like you're someone to preach protection Kathleen."

"Fuck you Richard."

At that Elliot clapped his hands loudly, "Enough of that." When all four adults stopped talking, he continued, "So, I have something to tell everyone. Except for Kathleen, she knows already."

Kathleen smiled widely. "Okay, that smile on Kathleen's face tells me it's gonna be good." As soon as the words left Maureen's mouth, it dropped open, "Please tell me it has to do with Olivia!"

"You've seen Olivia?" Elizabeth exclaimed, all thoughts of her wedding put on the back burner.

"Yes, I have and she and her son have been staying with Eli and I."

At that Dickie perked up, "Whoa. Wait, so you're seeing her?"

"Yes, we're in a relationship."

When all three girls shrieked at once, Dickie rolled his eyes, "Yeah, everyone be excited because dad is finally tapping Liv."

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