Chapter 21

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As soon as the door shut behind Elliot, Fin turned his head to look at Olivia, "What the hell Liv."

"Will you at least humor me and sit down please?" She said as she gestured her hand towards a chair that was next to her bed. He reluctantly nodded his head and took a seat in the vacant spot. When it became clear that he wasn't going to say anything, she began talking again, "I was going to tell you today."

"Why wouldn't you tell me earlier. He said he's been back for a few months and you haven't said a word about him."

"You have to understand Fin, I needed to figure out his reappearance on my own before I involved anyone else."

He huffed lightly and crossed his arms in front of him. "And that included letting him into your bed? He left you without a word Olivia."

She sighed, "I am well aware of that. But like I said, I didn't just strip my clothes as soon as our eyes locked."

"Why would you strip your clothes period!" At that he stood abruptly and started pacing back and forth.

She watched him intently. They had known each other long enough to know when anger overtook them. By the way his chest was heaving heavily and his shoulders were placed stiffly back as he walked, she knew he was more than just angry. She waited until the movement of his feet slowed, before she asked, "Are you only angry because you know we're sleeping together?"

At that, his feet stopped completely and he turned his body to narrow his eyes at her, "No. Yes. Maybe. I mean I know, despite Noah, you're alone Liv. You always have been for the most part but why does that make you feel as if you need to invite men into your bed that are undeserving of being there?"

The look she gave him was one that if looks could kill, would have sent him six feet under, "Are you trying to imply that I'm some sort of whore Fin? Do you seem to think that I just allow any man who gives me attention between legs?"

He shook his head, "Of course not, I just feel like you give yourself up to the wrong people."

"See, that's where you're wrong. I've never given myself up, completely anyways, to anyone. Except Elliot, which, if you must know, only happened in the last few days."

Fin knew she wasn't referring to the physical aspect of a relationship, but the emotional part. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you give yourself completely to a jackass like Stabler?"

She pinched the bridge of her nose, "It didn't happen right away. We ran into each other and him and Noah clicked. The second time it happened, Noah asked for him to stay. I let him come around for Noah's sake and eventually started talking to him. I gave him a chance to explain."

"And his explanation was?" Fin asked as he sat back down on the chair.

"Not mine to tell." When he scoffed, she rolled her eyes, "If you want to know, you take up on that offer of meeting privately."

"Right, because you know Stabler always calls all the shots around here. I can't believe, after the way he treated you, you're not only going to play house with him but you're also going to defend his whereabouts. Like he had no choice but to be gone for as long as he was."

She sighed, "Just talk to him. For me. Talk to him for me. You don't have to like him but I would appreciate if you could stand to be in the same room as him. He's changed for the better and you'll see that once you pull your head out of your ass."

"See why do I have to pull my head out of mine?!"

"Because he doesn't have his in his!" The pitch of her tone was a warning.

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