Chapter 27 pt.2

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Me too." He grabbed the toy from her to place it in his closet where the boys could not find it. His feet made quick work back to her to help her stand and lead her into the bathroom. As he leaned to turn on the water, he asked, "So, you're happy with everything?"

She smiled. For the first time in her life she felt as if the word 'happy' wasn't adequate enough to describe the way she was feeling. Despite her being physically in pain, she felt better than she had ever felt before. She was finally blessed with the man that she always wanted. And this man, had changed in such a positive way that it was kind of inspiring. It made her think back once again to Fin. He would get along with this new and approved Elliot. Shit, they'd probably become good friends. She'd have to make a side note to call him the next day. Instead of bringing up Fin though, she responded with, "Yes Elliot. I'm happy."

He smiled at her and weaved his fingers through her hair. "Me too Olivia. Happier than I've ever been." Their lips connected as his thumbs hooked into the elastic of her sweatpants. He pushed them down as much as he could without disconnecting his lips from hers and repeated the same thing with her underwear. Once they were both down as far as they would go, he slowly pulled his lips from hers. "I know I've already thanked you for forgiving me but thank you again. You'll never know how grateful I am for this chance."

Her lips curved into a smile as he knelt down to push her pants and underwear the rest of the way down her legs. After she stepped out of them, he stood back up to make eye contact. Once his eyes were back to hers, she said, "Thank you for coming back to me alive." At any moment while he was undercover, he could have been killed. Either by the needle or by a gun to his head. And after he got out, if he hadn't found the strength to get clean, who knows what could have happened to him. She could had very well found him dead on the streets. She didn't realize she had been crying until she felt Elliot's thumbs on her cheeks gently rubbing her tears away.

The heart that Olivia wore on her sleeve was something he vowed he would never take for granted again. She saw the good in everything. Instead of being mad at him for initially leaving without any word to her, she focused on him becoming a drug addict in a job. She really was the most amazing person. Every man who ever let her go was an idiot. Once her tears slowed, he replied, "Thank you for being one of the people who kept me alive."

Just when she got her tears to stop, he had to go and say something like that. Her tears ran down her cheeks once more. This time his lips were the ones that stopped her tears. Although it was a sweet gesture, she couldn't help but push him back lightly. "You're eating my tears."

He chuckled. He wasn't technically eating them. They were more absorbing into his lips. If he licked his lips he would more than likely taste them, not that he would mind licking drops of saline that came from her body. "So? I've had my tongue inside of you Olivia, you think I would mind eating your tears?"

The thought of his tongue inside of her had her thighs twitching. "God, El don't say stuff like."

He grinned. "Sorry." He hooked his hands underneath her shirt and pulled up. Since she couldn't stretch her arms completely over her head without pain, he pulled it off the back of her head first before guiding it off her arms. He did the same with her sports bra. Her ribs had been wrapped since the night before, so it caused her some discomfort as he unwrapped them. His eyes were quick to examine her battered body and he was satisfied that it seemed as if the wrap hadn't been placed to tightly around her. It didn't leave any marks behind, nor was her skin red from it. Lifting the bandage next, he was once again satisfied. Her small incision looked amazing, without any signs of infection. "Everything looks great Liv."

"If only the pain would go away."

"It will." Since she was completely nude in front of him, he guided her into the shower first. Another plus about his apartment was that his bathroom only had a shower. Not only was it a pretty spacious shower, it also didn't have anything that she needed to step up onto. Making her entrance quick and painless. Once he was positive that she was solid on her feet under the hot spray, he undressed himself. Before he stepped in, he heard her say, "Elliot?"

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