Chapter 63

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She took the quickest shower she could have managed without nicking any part of her body with the razor. The drying of her body, lathering of her body lotion, and trip to retrieve the garment was just as fast.

The part after retrieving the garment was not. She knew she only had a limited amount of time, which meant she had to get ready in some sort of order, in case she didn't have time to get to the next thing on her list. Since the whole point of getting him out of the house was to show him the outfit, she began with that first. Slipping the top over her head, she was relieved when the material didn't feel tight, or too itchy along her body. Since she didn't have enough time to try it on, she had no idea what it would like on her, or if she would even like it. Her eyes stayed down casted as she pulled the thong up over her hips and the stockings up her legs. It wasn't until she was hooking the last garter on her left stocking that she drew her eyes up to the mirror.

Holy mother of hell, Elliot was going to die. The material fell low between her breasts, exposing a good amount of cleavage, the tight fit hugged her hips perfectly and the semi see through material showed just the right amount of skin.

When her eyes connected to her cleavage, her fingers subconsciously came up to rub against the circular scars that were marred into her mounds. As her fingers ran along the bumps, she took a deep breath. She couldn't remember what her body looked like before Lewis, nor could she really remember who she was before Lewis. His existence in her life had changed her so much. To look at one of the deepest scars left on her left breast, she pulled the material down gently, exposing half of her areola in the process. However, instead of her eyes falling upon the scar, they fell upon the darkness of her areola. Her hand pulled the other side down as well, and when she was met with the same darkness on her right breast, she smiled. It was yet another reminder, on top of everything else, that she was pregnant with Elliot's baby and that her body was changing because of it. That it didn't matter who she was or what she looked like before Lewis because, at that moment, she had everything she ever dreamed for.

Pulling the material back to its proper setting, she turned slowly in the mirror to get the best look at the backside as she could. Satisfied that the crisscross was laying correctly and that her ass and thighs didn't look half bad in the color, she reached for her blow dryer.

Since Elliot really enjoyed the natural curl and fluff to her hair, she only ran the blow dryer through her hair enough so that it wasn't soaking wet. Next, she applied a quick Smokey eye, black eye liner, mascara to both her top and lower lashes, a little color to her eyebrows and some blush to her cheeks. She reached for a tube of lipstick but quickly decided against it, there was no point to applying something that was going to be rubbed off instantly.

Doing a once over of herself in the mirror, she was beyond satisfied with her appearance. She looked just as sexy as she felt. Her form emerged from their bathroom, grabbed a stack of towels to place on the nightstand, closed their bedroom door, straightened their bed set, laid down in the middle of the bed and waited for him.

He attempted to make the trip to the grocery store the fastest he had ever made in his life. He didn't think it was possible to grab the ingredients for a banana slip as fast as he did, so when he did, he had to do a double take of all the things in the cart to ensure that he didn't forget anything. The last thing that he needed was to be sent back out to the store because he forgot something. However, with New York traffic on a Saturday night, it still took him almost an hour to get home.

By the time he parked, he was praying that Olivia had not fallen asleep. Because of her pregnancy, she had been overly exhausted, practically falling asleep as soon as her head would hit the pillow. If that was the case again, he was going to need an extremely long cold shower to make it through the night.

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