Chapter 80

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Thirty weeks pregnant at 51 years old was bullshit. That was her new word for this whole experience. It was amazing, beautiful and she wouldn't change it for the world, but it was bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. And what was even more bullshit is that she had another 10 weeks to go, seven if she was lucky.

Her ankles were swollen, her back hurt, her breasts were huge and heavy,, her face had gotten fatter, her belly was big, Hannah kept shoving her feet in her rib cage, which Michelle had said was kind of a good sign because that meant Hannah was head down already but excuse her if she didn't feel like it was. And the worst part was she was horny. All the fucking time. But she couldn't get comfortable in any position they tried. It always ended with her overly irritated, her not pleased and her angry. Beyond angry.

Elliot was trying. He was trying so hard. Even offered the night before to use a toy on her so there wouldn't be the pressure of his body applied but she didn't want a fucking toy. She wanted him. She had turned her body on him, pushed his hands off of her and had fallen asleep pissed off and unsatisfied. In the morning she had awoke in the same mood and Elliot was just letting her be. Letting the emotions roll through her as they came and was attempting not to take it to personal.

That day she had three meetings and by the time the first one was over she just wanted to go home. The NYPD had been working with her. Everyone knew she was a geriatric pregnant cop, so they tried to come to her, instead of her going to them. She should have been thankful, instead it just pissed her off. Another way for the men around her to undermine her abilities.

She was sitting at her desk, in the middle of meeting one and two when there was a knock at her door. Elliot was on his way with food for her because with her grumpy ass, she had forgotten to grab her breakfast and lunch and she was starving. But she knew it couldn't have been him yet. She tried not to groan, really tried but it came out anyways. She almost cursed the person who opened the door without her consent because Jesus, she was splayed back in her seat, her feet propped up on her table, her belly big and round in front of her and she just wanted a moment to try to get the damn swelling in her feet down. "Elevate your feet." That's what Michelle had told her. At her last appointment her blood pressure was slightly elevated but not enough to raise much concern. She was only advised to eat a little healthier, to try to lay off the salt and she had already been trying to do that.

When her eyes made contact with the person walking in, she almost smacked her head on her desk. Why? Why at that moment when she literally felt like she was about to start chucking shit around her office.

"Brian, what are you doing here?"

He looked scared, like a puppy dog with his tail between his legs and God, just the look on his face was enough to piss her off more. There was no way she was moving from her current position, so she stayed silent, waited for him to say something. And when he just stood there with his hands in his pockets, she huffed. "Look, I am not a good mood today so if you just came to stand here, can you please do it outside of my office."

Fin must have seen him to late to intercept him because he was at her door as soon as the words escaped her mouth. He eyed her apologetically for not saving her from the man currently standing in front of her and fuck, she maybe should have called in that day because everyone was just pissing her off. "You need anything, Captain?"

"I don't know. Do I need anything Cassidy?"

"I just, I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"Well, I'm doing as fine as I can be doing. That all?"

She saw the moment his eyes flickered to her newly ringed finger. She thought everyone had known by now that Elliot proposed but the look on his face proved that theory wrong. "Yes, Elliot and I are getting married as soon as the baby is born."

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