Chapter 67

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"Good morning, Captain."

She was sitting at her desk, looking through a case file when she heard the words. Her eyes drifted up and she smiled lightly, "Morning, Chief."

The older man entered her office, closed the door behind him and took a seat across from her, "You wanted to see me?"

Pushing her glasses on top of her head, she said, "I did. Thank you for making the time."

"Of course."

When he looked at her with a look that told her to go ahead, she took a breath, "So, I know I've already been bugging you but..."

"I know, Captain Benson. I know you need another detective and I really am working on it. You know SVU is hard to get people to willingly recruit to."

"Yes, I understand that. But... I really, really need one Chief. I'm not going to be able to help my detectives out with field work anymore."

"And, why is that? You've never had any problem getting your hands dirty before Benson."

"I don't. And me being Captain doesn't change that, I still love the field work. But, I'm just in a predicament right now that it's not safe for me to be on the field." The look of confusion in his eyes, caused her to just come right out and say it, "Because, I'm pregnant Chief."

The look he shot her was one of full surprise, "Are you serious?"

"Yes, Chief, I'm serious."


She nodded and couldn't help the small smile that formed on her lips, "Yeah, Stabler's."

"Everything is okay? I'm only asking because you're a little..."

"Old? Yeah, I'm well aware of that." She realized she was going to have to come to terms with the fact that everyone was going to look at her funny because of her age. "But, so far, everything is perfect. I just really need some extra help around here. My detectives really need some extra help around here."

He nodded, "Okay, I'll put more of a rush on it than I already have. You are to stay planted in this unit, Captain. That's an order. Does your squad know?"

"I told them yesterday."

"You do know, after today, everyone else is probably going to know. I have to get the word out to put a rush on getting someone for you."

She nodded, "I know. Everyone is going to know eventually anyways. I just don't want to be babied because of it. I'll stay in the unit, you don't have to worry about that. But, I will still be doing my job as Captain and I need everyone to understand that, although I will be keeping it easy, I am still in charge of this unit."

"No one will think you aren't."

The chief left her office by congratulating her and Elliot and reinstating his point that she was to not leave the unit unless it was absolutely needed. Her cell phone rang not long after the door closed behind him. When she saw the name on the screen, her lips curved up in a way she could no longer control anymore, "Hey."

"Hello, baby. How's your day going?" Elliot was sitting on their bed with his laptop open, glancing at furniture prices, as he talked to her.

"Not too busy so far, but it is only 9:30. There's a lot of hours left to change that."

"Well, I hope, for your sake and the squads, it doesn't get overwhelming."

"Me too. I just got done telling the chief."

"How'd that go?"

"Pretty good. Said he's going to put a rush on a new detective and that everyone will most likely know after today."

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