Chapter 32

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Elliot was quick to make her another plate of Chinese food and bring it to her in bed. As she ate he got their things together to shower. For the last week he had chosen pajama pants with a tank top for her to wear to bed. However, with her opening up to him about her fears, he wanted as much skin to skin contact as possible. If she wasn't injured, he knew that they would have made love as soon as she said that she trusted him, whether she was hungry or not. The thought of making love to her almost had him groaning out loud. It had only been one week and he was already dying to have her again. If he was dying, he could only imagine what she was feeling. Eyeing the contents in the drawer, he decided to choose a black silk nightgown, with spaghetti straps and a length that appeared to end right above her knees. Forgoing her underwear and grabbing himself a pair of boxers, he walked into the bathroom to set their clothes down.

When he emerged, he saw that her plate was completely empty on her lap. He grinned at her as he asked, "Are you really full now?"

She laughed lightly, "I actually think I may have eaten a little bit too much."

As he made his way towards her to retrieve her plate, he said, "That's better than not eating enough." He took her plate and leaned down to kiss her lips, nibbling on her bottom lip before releasing them. "I'll be right back."

She kissed him once more, darting her tongue out to taste him slightly, before he walked out of the bedroom to take care of her dish. She took a moment to close her eyes and breath. The happiness she was currently experiencing was something she had never experienced before. The only good thing that happened in her life was Noah, other than that everything, other then her success at her job, ended in failure. Her attempt at relationships, her attempt to connect with her family, her attempt to find some sort of stability in her life. But yet here she was with everything she could have ever dreamed for. She had Noah and Elliot. And with Elliot came Eli, a boy that she had helped deliver twelve years earlier and that she now had grown to love as her own. A family that wanted her and her son to stay with them. A man who wanted to put their income together to get a bigger place. Although, there was still a small part of her that was terrified that they were going to have to leave, she decided to trust Elliot. That's what their relationship had always been built on anyways.

She kicked herself for allowing herself to get put on the ground by the perp because all she wanted at that moment was to ravage Elliot. She quickly attempted a deep breath and a slight lifting of her body off the headboard. The deep breath was doable, it was still painful but was definitely an improvement from the last couple days. The lift was slightly more painful, mostly due to her hiking herself out of bed twice that day. She semi wished that she had the house to herself for a split of a second because she really wanted to try to moan out loud. If she could moan without significant pain, they may be able to try some sort of intimacy again. The sound of Elliot's footsteps had her looking up at the door as he reentered and closed it behind him. "El?"

"Yeah babe?" he responded. His feet were quick to take him to her and he placed his hands on her torso to help guide her up out of bed.

"I want to try to moan."

He raised his eyebrows slightly at her, "You want to try to moan?"

"Yeah, maybe moaning won't be painful and we could... you know..." She never was one that was good at expressing her want for things with words. She was always more of a show then tell woman in the bedroom. Talking to someone about sex underlined something more deeper than just a quick night in the bedroom and she had never been that deep with anyone. Her attempt to be deeper with Brian always ended up with his tongue in her mouth before she could even get out the words she was trying to tell him.

His grin at her almost had her punching him in the jaw. "You know?" That was enough for her to reach up and pinch him on his side. Resulting him jumping back and saying, "Oww."

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