Chapter 53

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"So the condo on 30th is having an open house next Saturday, if you would like to go to it." Elliot said as he was leaning against the headboard to their bed. They had spent a good two hours with the boys sifting through numerous places for sale. Between the four of them, they had narrowed the selection down to the five places they were all interested in the most. The current one he was glancing at was the place that had made Olivia's eyes light up the most.

Olivia, who was walking out of the bathroom in nothing but one of Elliot's t-shirts and a pair of pink silk panties, drying her hair with one hand, asked, "Which one was that again?"

He turned the phone towards her when she stepped close enough to lean down to peer at the screen. When he was once again met with the same light he saw when she had first seen it, he smiled. "You like this one."

She grinned at him, "I do."

His lips didn't lose their curve upwards when his eyes quickly scanned the length of her body. Something about the woman in his shirts, made him throb with the need of her. Before she could even get herself back into a straight standing position, his hands were quick to lasso their way around her legs, right where the bend of her knees landed.

The laugh that escaped her lips accompanied the grabbing of his head perfectly, "El!" She held on as he lifted her body slightly, so he could successfully flip her on her back on the mattress below them.

"You're so sexy," he said once he had his body positioned perfectly between her open thighs.

She laughed, "Really?"

He nodded and leaned in to connect their lips. With a slight suck on her bottom lip, he whispered, "Way more than really."

She smiled and leaned her lips up to reconnect with his. Their kiss was feverish, one that held just as much passion as they felt for one another. When he pulled away to trail his lips down her neck, he said, "Someone was promised a full body massage with multiple happy endings tonight."

Her voice was full of seduction when she responded, "Yes, yes I was."

He kissed the side of her neck once more, before lifting his lips back to hers. He kissed them lightly and whispered, "I'll be right back, don't fall asleep."

"Okay," she whispered back to him. She watched him as he walked into the bathroom. Before she had left the precinct, Fin had asked her if she was feeling okay. She was once again quick to assure him that she was fine, which wasn't a lie. After the contents in her stomach had come up, the small sickness she had felt had disappeared. She even ate a sandwich to ensure both Fin, and maybe a little bit to herself, that she was in fact fine. When she was no longer met with any sickness, she had convinced herself it had to have been her stomach's way of protesting against the endless amount of sugar she put inside of it that morning.

On the way home she had contemplated telling Elliot about it. The last thing she wanted was for him to not only worry, but for him to also make her rest for the night. Because she had just been overly exhausted the last few nights and had fallen asleep pretty much as soon as her head hit the pillow, it had been almost a week since they were intimate, and although that may not have been a big deal to some people, it was definitely a big deal for them. So the last thing she wanted was to ruin her chance at getting laid. However, the thought of not telling him, wasn't settling well with her. They had both grown so much from their years as partners. Elliot told her everything, just as she told him everything. She blew a small breath out of her pursed lips when he emerged from the bathroom with a bottle of body oil and a stack of towels. The small laugh that escaped her lips, caused him to chuckle as well. "You really think we're gonna need that many?" She asked, gesturing her hand towards the towels.

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