Chapter 65

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Despite her next day at work being extremely busy, Olivia still managed to get out in time to meet Elliot and the boys at the bank. Somehow, throughout the years, her and Elliot had managed to choose the same bank to bank with. With that fact, they both figured that it wouldn't take an overly long time to combine their money into one joint checking and savings account.

By the time she arrived, Elliot and the boys were already sitting at a desk with a banker. While Elliot was talking with the young woman, the boys were engrossed in a video on their father's phone. She could almost guarantee that he had the whole, "No touching, no yelling and no running" talk with them before they entered the building. As she sat down next to him, she couldn't help but return the wide smile he gave her.

"Hi," she said.

"Hello," he leaned in to kiss her lightly.

When she turned her head to look at the banker, she said, "Hi. You must be Ms. Benson."

"I am."

"Great! So, Mr. Stabler was saying you two wanted to combine your separate accounts into joint accounts. Are you two wanting just a whole new bank account and the ones you have currently to close, or are you wanting to keep one of the accounts and only close one of them."

"Well I get direct deposit from work, so can we use mine?" As she asked, she looked at Elliot.

Elliot nodded, "Of course."

Since neither one of them knew the exact amount of money the other had, when the banker handed them both a printed out paper with the amounts of both the checking and savings, Olivia had to do a double take, "Jesus..." she whispered. She had never seen that much money in a savings account before. With the sale of her apartment, her savings and Elliot's inheritance, there was well over two million dollars in just their savings. Since she and Elliot were very adamant in keeping their money in savings, their checking only had Olivia's last few paychecks and Elliot's monthly pension payments from both the NYPD and the FBI, which was still a pretty hefty amount itself.

"If you both could sign the bottom of it and then I'll give you, Elliot, the account and routing number, so you have access to the account until your new bank card comes in."

After signing the forms and setting up Elliot's pin for his new card the banker informed them that they should receive Elliot's card in no more than ten business days.

As they made their way out of the building, with the boys walking in front of them, Olivia said, "I have never seen that much money, ever, in my life."

Elliot chuckled, "Me either."

"We still need to sit down and figure out everything."

"And we will, as soon as we drop off your car, get some costumes, eat, and talk to certain someones." His eyes glanced up to the boys, who were still paying no mind to the adults behind them. That morning they had both agreed that they would tell them that night. Noah would be first, while Eli was either doing his homework or playing video games, and Eli would be next.

She nodded her head in agreement, the boys definitely came before talking about money. They really needed to start telling people, especially people at her work. Things were going to have to be arranged accordingly due to her pregnancy and it was better for those arrangements to start sooner, rather than later.

Although Olivia was a little scared to take all three of the boys to the costume store at once, it ended up being way more fun than she had thought. Elliot was just as much as active as a participant than the boys were and she swore she almost peed herself from laughing so hard.

"Hey Liv, would you still love me if I looked like this?"

When she turned her body from watching the boys go back and forth between two costumes to look at him, she laughed for what was probably the tenth time since they had arrived at the Halloween store. The man, well what was supposed to be a man, was standing in front of her with a mask that resembled a goofy red haired man with nasty buck teeth, "You know you're going to have to wash your face after putting all those masks on."

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