Chapter 36

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The seductive smile on her face had him groaning and closing the distance between their lips. With his hands weaved through her hair and hers around his neck, they shared a sensual kiss. They were both always equally giving and selfish during their kisses. Both plunging their tongues in to explore one another's mouths and withdrawing to give the other one more access. They would switch off on the lips they favored, one minute he would favor her top while she would favor his bottom and the next moment she would favor his top while he favored her bottom.

When he felt her hands descend from his neck, over his chest and to the hem of his shirt, he pulled away from her lips gently. "Bedroom." She barely nodded her head before reaching up to take hold of his lips again. He tried to pull back but gave up with the shake of her head and used his hands on her ribcage to pivot their bodies around so that he could walk her backwards into the room. The small walk was slow, partially because she kept distracting him with her hands roaming every part of his body that they could reach and partially because of her injuries. As they approached her side of the bed, his hands moved to begin unbuttoning the buttons on her blouse.

She was so consumed in kissing him that she didn't even realize he was working on her shirt until he was pushing it off of her shoulders. The fact that she had opted for an undershirt that morning made her inwardly pissed at herself because when she felt his thumbs hook underneath the hem, she knew her lips were going to have to detach from his. His fingers left a trail of goosebumps along her sides as he slowly lifted the offending garment up. She anticipated his timing perfectly, as her hands lifted off his shoulders and her lips pulled from his. He threw it behind him with one hand, while the other reached around her back to unhook her bra and her wrap. After they both hit the floor, she used her hands to push his shirt up halfway until he reached behind himself to pull it off.

As her hands landed on his upper ribcage, his landed on her hips. His eyes followed his hands' path upwards. Although the swelling along her abdomen had completely disappeared, the bruising had not. The still very obvious purple color of them, was enough to have him questioning if what they were about to do was a good idea or not. However, the plead in her eyes when his landed on hers had him attempting to push his concern to the middle of his head instead of the front of it. He leaned down to kiss her gently before whispering, "Sit down."

With his hands firmly on her sides, she obliged. The care he portrayed for her before and after her injuries was one that made her heart sore. He made sure her torso was steady as he kicked off his shoes, only letting go briefly to remove his socks. When he stood back up straight, she was rewarded with the perfect view of his bulge in his jeans. Her hands found their way to the button and zipper, only succeeding in getting the two open before he was dropping to his knees in front of her. She watched him as he ran his hands from right underneath her breasts, down along her torso, over her hips and down her legs. They stopped when they reached her shoes and he removed each one of them, including her socks.

Once her feet were bare, his hands began their journey back up her clothed legs. They would stop every now and then to knead a spot that made her whimper. She had to consistently give the man major credit for being one that took all the time in the world to discover each and every part of her body. The way his hands were currently treating her legs, made her know this love making session was in fact going to be extremely slow. As they ascended along her, his knees drew him closer to her. So when his hands finally made it back to her sides, his mouth was close enough to her chest that she could feel his breath against her collarbone.

At the same time he swiped his thumbs over her hardened nipples, his tongue darted out to run along her collarbone. Her reaction was instant, grabbing ahold of the back of his head with both hands and gently pushing her breasts further into his hands. Her head fell back on its own accord as his tongue drew further up along her exposed flesh. The combination of his gentle massaging of her bosoms and his soft lips trailing along her neck was enough to have her arousal soaking through her panties onto her jeans."Elllliiiioooottt."

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