Chapter 48

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Their walk into the building included two overly excited boys, a couple holding hands and a realtor, Chelsea, who was busy explaining how good the building and neighborhood was. Not that it really needed saying. The lobby was immaculate, complete with a small cafe and a separate sitting area. There were a few people standing around talking, who greeted them with warm smiles and gentle hellos.

"Elliot said it had a pool! Can we see it?." Noah asked.

Chelsea smiled, "Of course you can. It has a pool and a gym, right next to each other. One wall of the gym is glass, so you have access to see the pool. I think it's great because the adults can work out, while the kids go for a swim."

The adults nodded their heads and followed the woman to the back of the first floor. When they saw a set of double doors with a sign labeled 'pool and gym', Eli and Noah didn't waste anytime walking more quickly to reach them.

However, when they went to open them, Chelsea sped up her feet slightly to catch up with the young boys. "There's a code to unlock it," she said loudly.

"If anyone falls into that pool, it will not be a nice ride home." Elliot warned, right before they reached the door.

"Okay Elliot" and "Okay dad" were said as Chelsea pushed them open.

The sight before them had everyone stopping in their tracks to absorb the spectacularness of it all. The pool was bigger than either one of them thought it would be and it was complete with a hot tub. The gym was located to the left of the pool, and like Chelsea had said, there was a glass wall between the two separate activities.

"This is great... think about how many girls I can..."

Eli was cut off by a light tap to the back of his head. "Watch yourself Eli," Elliot warned.

Eli huffed aloud, "God, sorry."

Olivia smiled softly and asked, "They're available for use at all times? Or is there a closing time?"

"Oh no, you can use them whenever you like. Each owner is given a code to the room. And as you saw when you entered, everyone has an individual code to enter the building as well. It's a really high security building, so you are welcome to it." When Olivia nodded, she continued, "Would you like to look around or go up?"

Elliot scanned the room quickly. It didn't look any different from any pool or gym he had seen, except maybe that it was in immaculate condition. He looked at Olivia, "What do you think Captain?"

Olivia laughed, "Shut up. Let's go up."

The elevator ride up the thirty three floors was full of Noah counting along to the numbers above the doors, Eli bouncing on his heels, Elliot, who had taken advantage of Olivia and his placement against the back of the elevator, drawing the tips of his fingers up and down her spine and Olivia trying her damndest to concentrate on Chelsea, who was talking about all of the perks of buying within the building. However, by the time the doors opened, Olivia was only trying to hold in her light moans brought on by Elliot's fingers, which had increased their pressure along her back.

Although, she sent him a small glare as they walked off the elevator, she kept her body close enough to hers to ensure that he wouldn't drop his hand away. The man had already made it obvious, by the way he literally hadn't taken his hands off her since they arrived, that he didn't want to release her and, at that moment, she didn't have any issue with that.

Before Chelsea went to open the doors, she turned towards all of them, "I really hope this is all you guys are dreaming for."

Olivia and Elliot nodded, "Us too."

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