Chapter 59

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The next week flew by quickly. Elliot and Olivia had successfully signed Noah up for dance. The night after the diner, she had ensured she was off at four, to watch Noah's very first dance lesson. The boy picked it up like a professional and Olivia had picked a spot between Elliot's legs on the floor, with her back resting on his chest, to watch him in awe.

Elliot was successful in getting Eli in for a physical and he spent most of his Friday morning, sitting in a doctor's office with the young man.

Olivia had kept it as easy as she could keep it at work. There were a few times she ventured out of the unit to interview a victim, but she made sure that she sent her detectives to deal with the suspects. When Elliot had scolded her the first time, she ensured him that she was taking the proper precautions.

"El, I'm fine. I'm not running, I'm not yelling, shit I'm barely even walking. I'm just calmly taking a victim's statement and heading back to the precinct to do the rest of what I do."

Their nights always ended the same. The probe on her stomach and the beautiful sound filling their ears with all the reassurance she had needed throughout the day. His lips would kiss her stomach before they would draw up to hers. Since she always cut his kisses before he had a chance to deepen it, he would tell her he loved her and pull her body to him, so that he could rest his hands on her lower abdomen.

When his lips would touch hers at night, she couldn't seem to get herself to get physically lost in them like she could before. Each time she felt like her core would start to light on fire, her head was filled with, once again, the everyday worry of something going wrong. Her fears would always outweigh her core.

By the time the morning of her appointment came around, Elliot was more irritable than usual. He was trying to be as patient as Olivia needed him to be when it came to intimacy but when he had walked in on the woman stepping out of the shower the night before, his libido had been awoken. She had been consistently beating him to the shower, while he cleaned up after the boys went to bed and by the time he would be done, she was already fully ready for bed, which had meant that it hadn't only been a week since they had sex, it had also been a week since he had seen her naked. When she once again rejected his advance of a deeper kiss, he had tried to sensually kiss her neck once he pulled her body to him. When that too, was also rejected, he couldn't seem to get past the irritation of it.

"El, do you know where Noah put his backpack last night? I can't seem to find it." She asked him as she was walking out of the boys' room. Since Fin was definitely beginning to suspect something, he didn't give Olivia any issues in taking the day off. She was already dressed for the day and had chosen a pair of jeans and a red long sleeve.

He was standing in the kitchen when she asked, trying to will off the irritation that was boiling in his veins. "It's probably in the Jeep."

"He said the parent teacher conference paper is in there. Do you mind getting it for me?"

"Why can't you just get it when we drop them off to school?"

His curt tone was not lost on her. "Because, I want it now."

"What difference does now and ten minutes from now make."

The question he posed wasn't even in the form of a question, it was in the form of one of those smartass statements he used to make. One of those statements, that she hadn't heard in a long time. "What is your problem?" When she saw him rub his temples and his shoulders roll, she huffed at him. Although the volume of her voice lowered, it filled with disbelief. "Are you really throwing a fit because you didn't get laid last night?" When he chose his best option was to not answer, she said, "Jesus, Elliot. You think that's what I'm thinking about right now? My mind is consumed with the possibility that at the end of the day, we're not going to hear a heartbeat."

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