Chapter 29

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The look on Kathy's face was one of complete shock, "Well maybe I would have if I knew she was here."

"You may have known she was here if you would have called, like you told our son you were going to." Elliot shot back.

She scoffed, "Yeah, because I'm always the one that has to call you two."

At that he pushed himself off the counter, "Okay, I'm not doing this with you right now. What are you doing here?"

She set her coffee down on the counter behind her and crossed her arms in a defensive manner, "We came to discuss our son's want of custody changes."

Elliot nodded his head, "Well, take a seat on the couch. Shawn and Noah can go into Eli and Noah's room."

Noah jumped up from the couch and ran towards the kitchen table, "Yeah! I have toys we can play with. Do you like dinosaurs Shawn?" He asked as he walked towards the other young boy at the table.

Shawn glanced up at his father, who gave him an encouraging nod. "I guess."

Noah looked back at his mother in response of Shawn's less than enthusiastic response to his question. Olivia gave him a small smile and said, "Noah has plenty of other toys if you don't want to play with dinosaurs. I'm sure Elliot can even turn the TV on in their room, if you would rather watch something."

Noah turned back towards Shawn and smiled at him. Shawn gave a little smile back, mumbled an, "okay," and followed Noah to the room. Once they got to the door, Noah looked over his shoulder at Elliot. "Can you turn the TV on please?"

"Of course." Before he headed to the room, he turned back to Kathy, Jack and Eli, "You can sit on the couch. It's more comfortable then the table." He ignored the look of annoyance on Kathy's face as he made his way towards the younger boys.

Eli stood from the table almost instantly. "Would you like anything Liv?"

Olivia smiled widely at the young man, "Can you grab me a banana please?" Her stomach chose that time to realize that she hadn't eaten lunch yet. "And the peanut butter and a spoon?" It was true, Olivia Benson had secret cravings for kid food sometimes. The chuckle and nod of the head that came from Eli, made him look so much like his father, that Olivia couldn't help but steal a glance at Kathy. She knew the woman was thinking the same thing by the look on her face.

By the time Elliot came out of the room, Kathy and Jack were sitting on the couch opposite of Olivia and Eli was handing her a jar of peanut butter. When he walked closer, he realized she also had a banana next to her. Which was also when he realized that she hadn't eaten yet. "Want me to make you something?"

"Dad, If she would have wanted something else, she would have told me." Eli answered as he sat down next to his mother.

Olivia smiled, "This is fine for now. But I would love some Chinese for dinner."

Elliot sat down next to her, close enough so their thighs were touching and placed a hand on her knee, "We can definitely do do that." As Olivia busied herself with unpeeling her banana and opening the jar of peanut butter, Elliot turned his attention towards Eli, "Go ahead son, you have the floor."

Right when Eli opened his mouth to speak, Kathy said, "Wait, we're going to have this conversation here? Right now?"

"Umm, yes? Isn't that why you came here?"

Olivia watched as Kathy rubbed her hands nervously against her thighs. She didn't really understand why the woman was being so distant with her. She had been nothing but respectful to her marriage while her and Elliot were married. And now, it wasn't as if they had just gotten a divorce. According to Elliot it had been more than seven years since they had signed the divorce papers, so there really was no reason for her to be upset with her. When Kathy's eyes connected with hers, her reasoning for not wanting to have the conversation at that moment clicked for her. "Oh. Would you like me to step out Kathy?"

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