Chapter 11

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Olivia woke up the next morning with her back against Elliot's chest and her hand resting upon his hand that was laying protectively on her stomach. Everything with him was so new to her. The feelings stirring inside of her, the amazing multiple orgasms she experienced and now the cuddling. She never was one to cuddle. Even when she lived with Brian, they would always wake up on opposite sides of the bed. She couldn't help but smile at the recollection of last night's activities.

She had woken up sometime during the night to Elliot's mouth on her. At first she had bolted upwards and shoved his face away, for a second not remembering who was in bed with her, but he was quick to lift his head and look at her apologetically.

"I'm sorry." He had whispered to her, "It's just me Liv."

She had nodded her head at him and kept eye contact as he crawled over her body to kiss her lips. "I'm sorry," he said again. Her lips responded instantly to his, feeling the burning in her belly come to life again. Her hands found their way to his shoulders to give him a slight encouragement to descend down her body once more. He wasted no time, his mouth kissing his way down until it found her wet center. His groans as he tasted her were probably the second sexiest sound she had ever heard, the first being the way he had said 'Liv' when he came. He worked his mouth relentlessly against her, using his tongue, lips and teeth in a perfect combination. At one point, he had added his fingers and she couldn't concentrate on anything but the overwhelming pleasure that was erupting inside of her. She didn't know how she had remembered to pull the pillow over her face when she exploded, but she had. He didn't stop after the one, even after she tried to pull him back up. He worked her into one more before he crawled up her body, hiked her leg on his hip, and entered her slowly.

"Jesus Olivia, you feel so good," he had groaned. She had cried out his name when his pubic bone hit hers and his mouth was quick to cover hers. The taste of herself on his lips, sent another gush down south and he made a moan of approval when he felt it. His hips connected to hers continuously. Although he was no doubt making love to her, he wasn't treating her like a fragile doll and for that she was beyond thankful. For the first time in her life she knew what it felt like to cum at the same time as her partner. The feeling was so intense for her, that she had to tear her mouth from his to sink her teeth into his shoulder. Tears pooled out of her eyes and landed in her hairline. When she released him, he was quick to kiss her tears away.

"You okay?"

"Mhmm." She connected her lips to his, she didn't want him mistaking her tears for sadness or hurt. "So... good..."

He had grinned at her. A full tooth grin that she couldn't help but smile at. "Yes, you are. I love you."

"I love you."

Her rubbing his forearm, caused him to instinctively tighten his hold on her. She wished she could stay like this all day, just in his arms, without any worry in the world. Yes, she was internally freaking out a little bit. He had told her he loved her twice and she had said it back both times without any hesitation. She didn't regret saying it to him, which may have been part of the reason she was scared. She did love him, shit she was in love with him. After the night before, if he left her, she wasn't sure she'd be able to pick up the pieces again. Her heart was fully his now and she was terrified of that.

Terrified of depending on someone the way she was now depending on him. She had two options in this situation, trust him when he said he wasn't going anywhere, something she swore to never trust again, or run as far away as possible. But, she didn't want to run. She wanted this with Elliot, she always had. "I trust you." She had said to him last night after her recollection that they hadn't used protection. The ship had officially sailed on the possibility of her getting pregnant about two years prior, so she wasn't concerned about a pregnancy. She wasn't even concerned about catching anything because she knew Elliot would never put her in a jeopardizing situation if he even held the slightest thought that he had something. So, she wasn't sure why she had asked him. Maybe because those words wanted to come out of her mouth. I trust you. I trust you. I trust you. She always had and she always would.

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