Chapter 45

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Elliot was in the kitchen making a shopping list when he heard his phone ring from the bedroom. After their lovemaking, Olivia had taken a quick nap. When she woke, they stripped the bed together, took a shower and had mutually agreed to deep clean the apartment. Olivia had busied herself with laundry and cleaning the bathrooms, while Elliot had taken over the living room and kitchen.

Olivia, who was in their bathroom scrubbing the sink, made it to his phone before he did and smiled when he saw the name on the screen. The two met in the doorway of their bedroom and when she handed the phone to him, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders to answer the phone.

"No! I look like crap Elliot." She said as she tried to pull from his grasp. After their shower, she had put on one of Elliot's shirts, forgoing a bra, and a pair of short gym shorts. "There is absolutely no way your kids can see me right now."

"You always look great." He gave her a smile, waited until she smiled back and hit the green button on his video call. "Hello Maureen."

"Hey dad! Hold on let me connect... OLIVIA!?"

"Hi!" Olivia explained, waving her hand in a Hello motion.

"Oh my goodness! You look amazing! Gosh! I hope I age as well as you have."

She smiled genuinely, "Thank you."

"How are you? How have you be... oh wait, Elizabeth is bugging me because I haven't connected her yet. Give me one second."

As Maureen busied herself connecting her sister to the chat, Elliot led Olivia to the couch, so that they could sit down next to one another and share the view of the phone. Olivia swore it had to be one of the fastest connections ever because as soon as they sat down, Elizabeth's face popped up on the screen as well.

"Olivia!" Elizabeth shrieked.

"Oh okay, I'm chopped liver." Elliot said.

The roll of Elizabeth's eyes had Olivia laughing lightly, "yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey dad. Moving on, Olivia!"

"Hello Elizabeth."

"Geez, you look the exact same. I mean Kathleen told us you did but I really thought she was exaggerating some. But goodness, look at you!"

"Look at me? Look at you two. All grown up and so beautiful. Both of you."

Maureen smiled, "Thanks Liv..." As soon as the words left her mouth, there was a screech on her side of the phone. "That would be John, awake from his nap. I'll be right back."

Elizabeth was quick to start talking, "How are you feeling? Dad told us you were injured. Are you doing better?"

"I am, doctor says I'm pretty much back to normal. I can go back to work in two weeks."

"Good, I'm glad. I know how annoying dad can be, so being stuck at home with him 24/7 has got to give you a headache."

Both women laughed, while Elliot scoffed, "I am not annoying."

Olivia, who was trying to contain her laughter, figured Elliot would have kids who were good at clowning on him and scooted her body closer to him, "No, you're not." She looked back at Elizabeth, "He's been really good to me these last few weeks."

"I would hope so. He's waited long enough to have the opportunity to show you his sensitive side."

"I am sitting right here." Elliot mentioned.

"We know that dad. Are Eli and... Noah?" With the nod of Olivia's head, Elizabeth continued, "still in school?"

"It's 12 Liz, of course they're still in school." Maureen answered as she sat back down with John on her lap. The young boy had dark brown hair, dark eyes, and darker skin than the rest of Stabler clan. Reminiscent of his father's side.

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