Chapter 49

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After the realtor told them she would call them the next day with what she thought was a good asking price, Elliot insisted on celebrating Olivia's promotion. Since she was too tired to go out, he sent her home to enjoy a nice bath, while he and the boys went to the grocery store.

She was just stepping out of the tub when she heard the sounds of their voices entering the apartment.

"Dad! Why do you always have to be so embarrassing!?" Eli groaned as he set the bag of groceries in his hand on the counter.

Noah, who was holding a bouquet of flowers they had picked for Olivia, laughed loudly, "But... but the way you hit the door was so funny"

Elliot was the last to enter the door with two bags of Chinese food in his hand. With a voice full of laughter, he said, "See Eli, it was funny."

"It was not funny! She was really cute and I was trying to make a move!"

Elliot chuckled, "Staring is not making a move son. I was just trying to help you out."

Eli threw his arms above his head in exasperation and walked to the couch, throwing his body on it dramatically. "By rubbing my head like I was a child and saying hello loud enough for her to hear you."

As he set the food down next to the groceries, Elliot said, "I was trying to pull you back into reality and get you to at least say hello. The best way to start to get to know a girl Eli is to talk to her. Show interest, learn her name and her favorite thi..." The sound of the bathroom door opening, cut him off.

Olivia was standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped head and one of Elliot's t-shirts and pajama pants. "Really?" Her arms were folded in front of her and her tone had taken on a sarcastic tone. Her and Elliot had already discussed the age difference between the boys. While Eli was old enough to understand that girls had a choice on whether or not they wanted to be interested in a boy or not, Noah was not. There were certain steps that still needed to be fully explained to Noah, that did not need to be explained to Eli.

Elliot looked at her strangely. "What?" The sarcastic tone was one that did not go unnoticed by him, nor did he understand what exactly she was giving it towards. It wasn't as if him and Eli were talking about sex. He was only teaching the boy the basics on how to be a gentleman. When his look was met with a look he felt like he was quite fond of, he groaned. It was a look that he had seen plenty of times during their partnership, but one that he had not really seen during their romantic relationship. Olivia was not happy. His eyes looked in between her and the boys, with them landing on her, "Why are you looking at me like that right now?"

With her responding glare, Eli whispered a "I'll get the plates" at the same time Noah said "Uhoh." Olivia shot them both a look, which caused them both to become busy with something around them. When she looked back at Elliot and was once again met with a look of confusion, she rolled her eyes.

He stepped in a half of an inch closer to her, "I'm really not trying to be an ass right now but I don't know why you're upset."

When she spoke, her tone was an angry hush toned, "Seriously?"

Before he had a chance to once again question her, Eli spoke, "The plates are ready."

She glanced up at Eli, then back at Elliot. Shooting him a glare once more, she pivoted her body around him to make her way towards the table. As she stepped on by him, she whispered, "Later."

Elliot inwardly groaned. The woman had just been promoted and they had picked a place to buy together, the last thing he wanted to do was fight with her. In fact what he wanted to do with her was so far off from fighting, that he almost started to bang his head against the wall. Instead, he took a breath and walked to the table as well.

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