Chapter 20

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Olivia's eyes fluttered open to the view of Carisi and Rollins leaning against the wall of her hospital room. After a quick look around the room, she discovered that they were the only two there.

"Liv..." she heard Amanda say. She turned her eyes towards the young blond and was relieved to see her poke her head out the door and inform someone that she was waking up.


The detective was quick to abandon his spot on the wall and rush to his lieutenant's side, "Lieu? How you feeling? Do you need anything?"

She lifted her hand up to her head, that was throbbing in time of her heart beat, "I feel like I just got hit by a freight train."

"The guy definitely had the leg strength of a freight train. He did a number on you Liv."

She nodded her head slowly, "Whose in the hallway?"

"Fin and Elliot."

She didn't know if she had lost a little bit of her memory because of the beating but she was pretty positive she hadn't told Fin about Elliot yet. "How did you know to call Elliot?"

"You said his name right before you blacked out. Fin found his number in your phone."

She closed her eyes briefly and snapped them back open just as quickly, "Amanda, tell those two to come in here." As Amanda poked her head back out the door, she added, "Now." If she had any luck, they wouldn't have started throwing punches yet.

Elliot was the first to enter, followed quickly by Fin. He didn't waste any time heading straight towards her and leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead. "Hey." He whispered against her temple. His hand went out to lightly touch the bruise on the side of her face.

"Hey. Everything okay?"

He laughed lightly and pulled his lips away from her skin, "I should be asking you that not vice versa."

She glanced back at Fin, who was now leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and a glare on his face, "Sit down Fin." When Fin opened his mouth to speak, she looked back at Elliot, who had taken a seat at the edge of her bed, "Where's Noah?"

"Eli took him to the cafeteria to get something to eat. I didn't think you'd wake up so fast." He glanced at the watch on his wrist quickly, "They should be back in fifteen minute tops." As she nodded her head in acknowledgment, he grabbed a hold of her hand to place a kiss on the back of it.

She smiled at him and looked back up at a still standing Fin, "I said to sit down Fin."

"I'm not sitting down until I know what the hell is going on."

"What does it look like is going on?" Olivia replied.

"That Stabler somehow used his bullshit charm to get into your bed and you fell for it?!" The volume of his voice caused Olivia to roll her eyes.

She could feel Elliot tense immediately, so she tightened her grip on his hand. In no way, shape, or form was she allowing a screaming match to take place in her hospital room. "I can understand you thinking that little of him but of me?" When Fin didn't answer, she continued, "What do you think happened Fin? He showed up at my doorstep and I stripped my clothes off and allowed him around Noah because he was a good lay?"

The look of shock on Fin's face was almost enough to make Elliot laugh but the look of warning on Olivia's made him hold it in. However, that wasn't the case for Carisi who chuckled in the background, earning a glare from Olivia, Amanda and Fin.

"Liv, no I wouldn't..."

Just then, Fin was interrupted by the door opening. "Hey mom!"

"Hey baby."

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