Chapter 64

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Elliot leaned against the doorway to their bathroom to watch Olivia as she examined her abdomen in the mirror. She was standing in just a black bra and pink underwear, with her hands curved around the small bump on her stomach lightly. The smallest smile was present on her lips. His hands were quick to pull his phone out of his pock and as he snapped a picture of her, her eyes lifted to connect with his reflection in the mirror.

"Did you just take a picture of me?"

"No, I took a picture of the both of you."

Her lips curved into a bigger smile and she looked back down at her abdomen, "I don't think my pants are going to button much longer." The last few days she had felt like it was just becoming harder and harder for her to close both her work pants and her jeans. She felt as if her belly was expanding more each day and she really wasn't sure how much longer she had until other people began to realize. However, according to their plan, after that day, they wouldn't have to hide it anyways. Their twelve week ultrasound had been one she was more than looking forward to, especially after Michelle's confirmation that nothing appeared abnormal on their blood work. She was hopeful that nothing would appear abnormal in their ultrasound as well.

He smiled at her, "We'll get you some maternity clothes."

"We're definitely going to have to." She glanced at her abdomen once more, before grabbing the pair of slacks she had chosen for the day. Their last appointment, she was able to get the whole day off, this appointment she was going to have to go to work afterwards, which meant she couldn't get away with wearing a pair of sweatpants. "Very soon. I don't like feeling like I'm suffocating all day. I literally almost cannot breath in these things already. God, and I'm only twelve weeks. I'm going to be huge, El."

He looked at her sympathetically and made his way to her. As his hands wrapped around her from behind, he whispered, "You're not going to be huge."

"Yes, I am."

He shook his head, "You're pregnant, Liv. Being huge does not exist when you're pregnant."

"Really? So, if I gain one hundred pounds this pregnancy, you're not going to think I'm huge?"

A small laugh escaped his lips, "No, I'm not."

She groaned lightly, "That makes one of us."

Instead of responding, he rubbed his hands along her abdomen softly and kissed her shoulder.

Her response to his proximity was immediate, her weight dropping against him and goosebumps forming along her skin. The last few days, her hormones had been in overdrive. Such an overdrive, that she was surprised Elliot had still been able to keep up with her. Every time she felt the low pang in her core, he would be quick to try to find a way to relieve it. Whether it would be a quick pull into their room when the boys weren't paying attention to that he could slip his hand into her pants or an hour long love making session that left her completely jelly in his arms, he never let her suffer for long.

Although they were enjoying every second of it, the marks he kept leaving on her body had continuously been a pain for her. Finding shirts that not only covered every one but also one that didn't make it look obvious that she was covering something, was extremely difficult for her. However, regardless of how frustrating it was, each time his lips would reconnect to her neck, she would want him to suck harder. The harder he sucked, the harder her core would ignite down below and her core really liked to ignite below.

As his eyes connected with her lust filled ones, he grinned. He had already made her come that morning in bed, with her clenching tightly around his fingers. She was always satisfied after one orgasm but it wasn't long until her body wanted another one. "Later, baby. We have an appointment."

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